PSA: Still no Storm Lord

I wish they would do something about it sooner rather than later. Even if the last rotation has storm in it, you could actually fail to get the drop >.>

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I think my Shaman has a title similar to Storm Lord, if you want to chase him around for a little while :heart:


Like the one time it appeared in the past five days here on Saturday night.

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Will it give the Achievement? Heck, it sounds like better coding already!


LOL, laughing so much I need some Air :blush:

3 days is not last minute. I started looking this weekend which I finally had off, 3 days should be plenty of time for the Storm Primal to spawn. I was on all day yesterday starting at 8 am, checking every 2 hours, and waited until 2 am with no spawn. Three zones divided by 3 hour spawn rate times 18 hours is 18 chances to spawn. Statistically it should have spawned 4.5 times.

12 noon today and it still hasn’t spawned so add another 4 hours today. I don’t remember exactly how many times I check Friday and Saturday. Since there are plenty of people here who say they haven’t seen it since after Thanksgiving, I’ll make an assumption its been over 72 hours since it has spawned. One day is a statistical anomaly, but 3 is just plain broken.


On another note Tovi…I just hooked up my new AOC CU34G2X 34" Curved Frameless monitor…and ohhhh my God its huge…I will be rocking later today for sure.

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The self satisfaction of having caught my elemental ginger bread man!

Nice! :rofl:

I went from a 24in to this one now…again Ohhh my God…

i had all mine but a friend needed storm and it didnt spawn for him either, 2 day wait . several people had same problem

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I never once joined a group. Got my trinket on the first day and geared up 13 characters off the invasions. Leveled 11 of them from ~40ish to 60.

Fully modded Skyrim and FO4 on an ultrawide are my gotos. Only need the audiophile 600 dollar headphones on a good DAC to complete the experience.

Why not just get these for 1/3rd of the price? They’re on sale right now for Cyber Monday. I have a few pairs and just bought 6 more sets for my family.

So I have the Sony variant of that (WH-XM3) and a pair of 660s Sennheisers. There are miles of difference in the clarity, range and pickup. I do like the WHs but I only ever use them when I’m working and listening to music where I might be AFK for a bit.

The 660s have a cable that’s my only gripe though. With a good DAC they are miles better than the Sony headset and should be. 660s are considered entry level for audiophiles.

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There’s a whole community dedicated to quality sound! And you should see the price tag on some of these setups. :rofl: As niche and crazy as you’d expect.


Man this has caused way more frustration for me than it was even worth.

I should have done what I do with other pre-expansion events and just checked out and played a different game.

now I put time into this one and even altered my sleep schedule to try and catch the storm guy.



It’s been more than two days. I have not seen it Wednesday - Today

this legit took me less than 2 hours. people are really nice about giving out their extra dimmed. maybe i got lucky idk… doesnt seem that hard though