Can we get any sort of communication as to why this still hasn’t spawned? Can anything be done for those who haven’t been able to finish the event because of the lack of spawn?
2nd Edit:
Thank you Blizzard for spawning the Storm Lord! Even if I don’t get the trinket, it’s very nice to get the achievement and a chance at what I need.
Would be pretty cool if you could make a group and get some of us in so we can join your phase and get it. I’ve got 21 kills and 0 of the drop, and then haven’t seen it up in the past 3 days (checking all spawns except during sleep).
I wasn’t waiting until the last minute. I’ve been searching since Saturday night. I decided to spend time with family and friends for Thanksgiving instead of camping a video game hoping a boss would spawn.
Either way, the fact that Storm doesn’t spawn is relevant. This is a game problem, not a player problem. The event is bugged. There was another spawn location in beta but it never showed in-game. Something about phasing issues.
You’re so clever with your “don’t wait until the last minute…” trash posting. 21 kills and 0 drops. Didn’t wait til last moment. I DID start being concerned about it on Thanksgiving, which left the better part of 5 days, and began checking literally every spawn time (except my ~7 hours sleep time) since then.
I’ll never understand people like you who thrive on being unpleasant and unkind and ignorant to others.