Unbridled Storm Lord

Nobody said it was your fault or your problem. I don’t even know why you would make such a silly statement. Wanna also point out how you don’t have control over the color of the sky today? Would be just as valuable.

Anyways, a Blizzard created problem is never the player’s fault and they did create two problems with this event. There should not have been an rng element to this because the event only last two weeks. And they should have fixed the UC invasion to give people more chances for an event that only last two weeks.


that’s a strange response. It’s a two week event and one of the bosses didn’t spawn at all during the second week. It’s bugged. No amount of reading can fix that.

yet you are using it as a reason to excuse someone elses poor behavior after making uninformed decisions.

Trying to pretend that this information isnt out there and to expect people to temper expectations based on actual information and not on 'well i thought’s is silly.

The Blizzard created problem is that the event was designed for players to participate in it every day for two weeks. Claiming that a player isn’t at fault when at the end of an event they havn’t completed it because they didnt participate enough is a farce.

It doesn’t matter if you read, if the boss only spawn during your sleep/work schedule…There’s a big issue with the RNG element added to the event…Blizzard does’t know how to do something FUN and a reward to promote the comming expansion…It’s like they only do 50% of the work well, the catch up from bosses AND a VENDOR was great…the items for the trinket account wide and that you could trade GREAT…the Invasion ROTATION…NOO GOD NOOO.

Explain to me how not logging into a game is “poor behavior.”

How would knowing the air event was rare and that the UC invasion wasn’t working helped out someone that couldn’t log on at specific times?

If this event made sense, you know where invasions were on a set rotation so people didn’t feel rushed, then yeah they would be at fault.

For the Legion prelaunch it didn’t matter what invasion was up. Why couldn’t they just do that again?

LOL anything else to say?

It’s almost like people were right, and this event WAS THEIR FAULT and now they’re fixing it.

Don’t eat your crow rare. You’ll get worms.


the poor behavior is their inability to accept that RNG is RNG and that they potentially missed out because of it

The air event wasn’t actually rare. I saw a significant amount of them spawn over the week. It’s just been rare the past like 4 days.

It does make sense. The elements are randomly getting upset and invading specific locations at random. People knew this going in (it was literally on the bnet browser and said they were random) and it’s not anybody’s fault but their own for either putting it off or having real life be real life and more important.

Because every event is supposed to have it’s own unique event. people would complain that the event is stale and the same as x if it didnt

Tovi you rock. Nanami go troll FF14 forums where they might enjoy it.


Sure, sure read the blue post honey.

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346 posts

Community Manager


With the launch of Dragonflight approaching, we are in the process of activating the air storm for players who are still working on this part of the event.

sure did. doesnt say anywhere that this was some deliberate thing. It reads off that ‘hey we see that people didn’t get it earlier in the week and are complaining. Looking at the spawn log it has been a over 10 spawns since the last spawn of this one in particular and we are going to deliberately trigger storm because were not jerks’

but sure saying that rng is rng is such a problem

If there wasn’t a problem then there would be no point in spawning all air invasions but I understand that you’re embarrassed so it’s ok.


Thanks Tovi :beer:


where does it say that it was broken in that post? nowhere.

so my point still stands and is accurate. blizzard decided to throw the people collecting it at the very end of the event a bone. This doesn’t change my point anywhere

Someone help me out here…

They’re not spawning three waters.
They’re not spawning three fire.
They’re not spawning three earth.

Why would they randomly pick three air if there’s nothing wrong? :rofl: :rofl:


because RNG at the end wasn’t even and they decided to deliberately correct that by forcing the last spawn so the people who didnt participate earlier can get a chance at it as well?

Doesnt sound like it was broken but more that the decs decided to toss the unlucky players a bone

You don’t fix something that isn’t broken… if it was working as intended they would have just left it alone.

The stars didn’t align for bad RNG on this one.

Are you okay?


The storm lord is up in Ungoro right now… At least for me.

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Tovi you mad lad…

Air is up in Un 'Goro right now.