PvP Issues Organized Megathread Plea for Aid to Community Council and Blizzard

I personally think that the community is one of the biggest barriers of entry for PvP, unfortunately. I found it almost impossible to get into PvP until I had a friend who was already really experienced with it queue up with me and teach me.

That took a lot of time and a lot of patience on his part, and that isn’t something that the average random is going to get from a relative stranger in the group finder.

Most of the time you queue in or sign up for a group, get flamed/told that you suck, and… No one learns from that.

There are a lot of barriers to entry and I personally felt like I had to rely on a LOT of addons when I was doing Arenas to make the UI functional and useful.

PvP is a very social mode of play that unfortunately… Also really enables a lot of antisocial/negative behaviour patterns.

I don’t think Blizz can fix that.

My friends who PvP have moved on to other games, so I’ve just stopped PvPing altogether because pugging is such a miserable experience.

Not trying to rain on your parade, but perhaps you might be interested to know my experience, at least.


Great thread.

If the Community Council ignore this concise feedback then it would be genuinely shameful.

It would potentially expose a bias in presenting certain issues to Blizz and not others, with intent of only improving things in individual Community Council members interests as opposed to actually representing the community.

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They need to remove a ton of AOE CC and certain classes (See DH, Lock, Rogue, Mage) with so many ways to CC/Interrupt others gameplay.

DH is doing double everyones DPS, so it stands to reason their DPS needs to be nerfed by half. Same for all 3 lock specs.

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Thank you for sharing your testimony. I’ve found from 19yrs of PvP that there exists several communities mostly isolated from one another, and then everyone else (the Silent Majority) if you will. Who que up for random BGs and Epic BGs and talk to no one and do their thing, it can be hard and slow to learn this way but that’s why some of us have been encouraging Blizz to put together a basic ingame guide, perhaps even with a tutorial to teach players about CC chains and managing cooldowns and mobility to give them the basics.

Truth is like your friends who left the pvp community is getting smaller and smaller and if we don’t fix the issues in the game then remove barriers of entry it won’t recover.

You’ve inspired me to add another tab related to the creation of some kind of ingame written guide and possibly a tutorial. Thanks.

Thank you very much for contributing to the conversation, I feel the same way, even if you’re a CC Member who doesn’t PvP we need you.


Glad I could help! <3

Regarding this…you forgot this thread:

That’s a reference to a thread that I’ve made several times in the PTR…

We got a reward system like the Prestige PvP rewards:

However, It was introduced on Legion and forgotten after BFA prepatch.

Overall, a good idea to do a Megathread, however; I’m going to be negative because CC forums are ignored to the point of CC members to create threads questioning if they’re being heard and Devs / CMs only like to discuss new content instead of checking the huge amount of feedback regarding the actual state of the game.

I don’t even know if there’s a good pvp dev that represents that area anymore.

We’ve 3 years of Council forums and plenty of pvp feedback there ignored…so I don’t have hope for big changes from Blizzard.

Members there won’t ignore it…Blues in the other hand. As I mentioned, you just need to tag some of them and they’ll help with CC threads, that’s how I got my PvP reward feedback in their forums thanks to Cyrios


Hey, thank you for linking that, I like that system, it really could use a breath of new life. My goal is to unify about 10 CC members if possible. I linked like 10 of their CC forums on my last post and got 1 response so I wanted to give that a little breathing room. I’ll probably link these members again tonight or tomorrow morning. I don’t want this thread to go away so if you’re passionate about getting PvP off life support and back on its feet I’d appreciate it if you and anyone else reading this dropped by once in a while and left a short comment to keep it alive. Thanks for contributing I’ll edit in a segment about the honor prestige system.

Some of those members will lose their Council status…So, maybe you’ll have to check again once there’s a new sample of members.

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Thanks that’s a brilliant idea, I’m considering applying myself but with the state of PvP being as it has been for song long and not finding the themes and story of this xpac as gripping if we don’t start seeing some changes I’m considering pulling away. I wouldn’t want to apply for a council I have no intention of participating in. But maaaaaan does someone seriously need to start contending for PvP because holy smokes.

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Bumping the post.

The PvP system in WoW was set to fail years ago and now we are seeing the results.

All current PvP game modes revolve around ranked modes. These are largely inaccessible for new players, and the moment-to-moment gameplay is terrible. I’m thinking here of all the aspects involved: from forming an arena team, getting an rBG premade, or sitting in a 40 min shuffle queue, to facing very experienced carries and gladiators playing their alts at lower rankings in arena, bots in shuffle, and well behaved players in rBGs.

Casual PvP modes, which would be the natural place to encourage new and casual players to make the jump for ranked have been all abandoned. They are all rewardless chores that only make sense in the context of gearing up for ranked.

The game has no way of onboarding new players to ranked modes, and it has become obvious that more players are leaving the game mode than joining.

The problem is that fixing this path is almost impossible. There is almost no reward the game could offer to entice the demographic that currently plays this game (a broad range of younger adults, adult teenagers, and regular adults) to spend the time required to enjoy ranked modes of PvP. The amount of complexity and learning they have to go through is simply not worth almost anyone’s time.

Who would go through all that in 2024 when the only thing they might possibly find at the end of the tunnel is a PvE tier reskin, a title, and a mount every season?

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A Community Council member has just taken up our cause and posted a link to this Forum in his CC Forum post, please head over there and show him some love if you’re reading this!

Bumping this post!

now were cookin with gasssss my panda male


This is gonna take everyone if we’re gonna create any semblance of a movement large enough to get Blizzard to consider supporting PvP. I might even go post of the WoW Classic Forums lol. We need all hands on deck! we need to be sharing this CC members post on every PvP related post and maybe even some other large posts, without being rude or spammy.

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I like this idea of pushing changes for PvP…But didn’t you’ve this thread…

another one…and then another one about CC

Man is too much and it’s getting disorganized for the playerbase… the idea of a MEGA thread is too keep everything in a single thread.

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Yeah you couldn’t be more correct. The first thread there that you linked the Megathread, did it’s job of garnering the attention of a CC Member, he just made a post in the CC Forums where he linked my Megathread. The Cc Rallying Cry is an attempt to reach out to all the CC Members who straight up ignored the call for aid Megathread.

I agree it is getting disorganized. However the process is working, albeit slowly. Some CC Members will clearly overlook and ignore any post with PvP in the title, so that’s why I think we should try to keep both posts alive until we can get 3+ CC Members communicating on Cyrios CC Forum post. Once multiple CC members start working together and talking, that’s usually when we see a Blue Post.

You didn’t give them even 3 days between threads…They are also part of the playerbase with their own schedules and life. You need to be patient too, I know the frustration that Blizzard generates with the bad treatment of different aspects of the game but give them time.

You’re doing spam until works, then the conversation gets split between different threads, you could have tag the CC members again in the same megathread. We need a single thread for this discussion.

Cyrios already did a thread and he can reach out other members with a pvp focus via their discord or wait for their response in his thread…We don’t see a blue post under that reasoning, they actually response when they’ve to put out some fire…

You can go to the CC and organize post by comments and there’s plenty of topics with a lot of discussion that were ignored by a Blizzard.

The whole idea of the CC isn’t working as we expected because there’s a lack of communication, check the threads from CC members about that, So I don’t think even if 3-4 members talk a little bit that a Blue will appear, In depence if a CM can actually say something that won’t impact the WoW team or if a Dev can mention that they’re workin on something without compromising the team, imagine the budget, time restrictions.

You did a good job with this thread, but be mindful of the people coming in and saying “bump,” because that’s frowned upon here and I don’t want to see anyone start flagging or your thread get deleted.

So much time and effort was done here and I’m glad to see this is going in a more positive direction than some of the last PvP threads and that’s great!


actual tuning

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