Why did blizzard implement warmode and destroy the concept of PvE and PvP servers?

Are you even reading my comments? I said there were players WITH war mode on too. They also couldn’t do anything about it, because inside org and the outside gates are different according to the war mode system.

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Well, there’s a big lack of rewards that’s linked to issues like this one. Invasions died because most players already have the mount or achievements and there’s 0 incentieves for doing that kind of activity multiple times.

Blizzard needs a whole revamp of casual rewards regarding PvP.

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Its a bit much with all the abilities for PvP, for sure.
For me its also about the bad math.
They cant even keep this game tuned for pve for god sake…lol…and we’re expecting them to do it for PVE and PVP?

how many threads in here about bad tuning in both every month? lol.

Toss in character levels being THE deciding factor in who ‘wins’ and yeah…this game SUCKS for PVP as far as Im concerned.
But evidently that ganking lowbies thing is why some like it more than REAL pvp games.

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Yeah they can do something for the casual rewards as it stands the only thing I can really think of is the honor level rewards but thats just horse recolors some pets and such.

uh…ok…game is glitchy. lol. It was glitchy long before warmode. I cant count the times ALL of my macros went dead ,not workign at all until a hard restart of the game. lol

That has nothing to do with US here. Not one thing.

thread is boring me now.

I tried multiple times in the PTR to report this, because Devs should revamp the whole system and provide new ways to acquire honor.

Maybe a weekly to kill each Faction leader or kill X enemy players while defending your leaders for a lot of honor…etc

There’s a lack of interest to fix Causal and even Ranked PVP.

Council did also a thread but there’s a big lack of PVP content and rewards :person_shrugging:

I hope next expansion bring some new life but I don’t think players even know who’s leading PvP nowdays.


The other crazy thing is a lot of people who support a PvP server are not even in this forum. Occasionally, I ask people in war mode that I’ve teamed up with if they would like a pvp server in retail and almost all of them say yes.

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A sole pvp server is bound to be populated by players just there to farm rare mounts. And shocker, people participating in pvp are opened to a pvp server. Surprise of the century.

I don’t think we need pvp servers at all…World PvP is a casual activity, We just need better gameplay and rewards that’ll incentieve that interaction for WM ON.

For example, Legion PvP quest were 10000s better that what we received during BFA / SL, DF.

I don’t know… world PvP lost its luster for me probably sometime during Cata - can only do it so much.

This right here…

Some of the best raiding guilds and PvE players where on PvP servers. Despite majority of players having no real interest in PvP. I can not say it was the best choice or the right choice. But its what they did.

“Look at all my anecdotal evidence. I don’t know why Blizzard won’t listen to me when they have objective data for all players.”

this is probably more correct than anyone will admit to.

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Would would it be populated by players farming mounts? You don’t need a pvp server to do that.

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World pvp isn’t really supposed to be the only thing you do in a pvp server. We can still play the game, but maybe have that added world pvp when it happens. I’m not trying to say the only thing you do on a pvp server is world pvp all the time. I do raids/BG/occasionally farm a mount every once in a great while myself. Options are a good thing.

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Well of course not but there’s a tradeoff. The real question is do you welcome those types of altercations out in the world… as I got more tired of world pvp that answer became no. That’s my point. I’m not saying they shouldn’t do it, I’m just saying I wouldn’t participate for my own reasons.

Exactly. PvP servers bring a sense of danger to the world that just doesn’t exist anymore. Having to watch your back and peek around corners adds weight to an otherwise ethereal world. The unexpeted diversion you sometimes have to take to take care of some trouble makers adds flavor to an otherwise bland and predictable experience. Some of us want that back desperately. The people who hated it, whatever their reasons, can safely stay away.

Just because you hate chocolate, doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t have access to it. Vilifying those people as sadists doesn’t help anybody. This “ganking” thing comes up over and over, no matter how many times we make it clear we don’t want those “victims” on the server in the first place.

All he had to do was implement my solution to ganking… you get three strikes (account wide) kill any character 20 or more levels below you is a strike .

Third time that character you ganked with … auto deletes.


Oh I see why you’re saying. Yeah totally fine if you don’t join. I hope you enjoy the server your are already on. And can stay there. But unfortunately some people are saying, because they don’t like it, we shouldn’t have it.


the old ways, the old names