Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Killing time at work my guy.

I’d say having a happy family and providing is having a life.

Thanks for proving you have no argument.

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This is why players like you are trolls. You have stated that you don’t do PvP and yet you keep responding here as if you’re some subject matter expert.

Again, that you would rather take issue with the players having their gaming experience ruined, you’re agreeing with the very players doing the griefing. If you want to have a disagreement about some detail, spit it out or I’ll just label you for what you are.

We want this problem resolved. That’s it. You seem to have an issue with this problem getting resolved. It’s clearly not fair bud and you’re now defending it.

Because what you have said doesn’t matter.

You can keep spamming this thread all day and I will see to it that you come out as the loser in this. Keep pressing it though. Seriously. You want to defend groups of 30+ farming people? Yea? Well, the rest of us that enjoy bgs are tired of it.

Keep pushing it.


The fact that players have been doing this since BG’s were introduced 20 years ago should be an eye opener for you that nothing can be done about it. Yes I was there, and yes I took part in it.

If you can’t beat em, join em.

Thats your opinion and you only have it because I have refuted your points.

If I was backing you up and agreeing with you you’d be saying my opinion matters.

Loool now threats because you can’t refute points? Enjoy your vacation.

Snoz just straight up lied to you.

There are 4 posts. one from 2007 that says queue syncing is fine. one from an engadget article that I can’t repost that talks about the whole thing in a back and forth with pvp managers, and a post by holycow referencing the twitter back and forth with an old pvp manager those are both in 2012. Then finall another customer support adming in 2019 saying queue syncing is fine.

They are both up on this forum post and on Yo Blizzard are you paying attention? - #611 by Kaledin-uther

You will have to go there and search for engadget to see that one as I can’t post outside linkes.

first post about queue syncing from 2007…

Second post about the 2012 changes

Can’t post the engadget one but search this thread for engadget

Final post about queue syncing

All found here but whatever

There are lots of ways to fix it. The game has changed a lot of the years. This didn’t used to be an issue.

You haven’t refuted anything. You can post those blue responses all day and I’ll just respond with the CoC.

Threats? lmao!

Keep it up. Keep trying to defend how you exploit the game.


I haven’t lied about anything.

You still can’t realize the endgadget is only talking about using an addon lol

Responding with the CoC means nothing because not only have you broken it multiple times but the CoC doesn’t apply to people salty they lost a BG when blue posts have already said it’s not against the rules.

Feel free to point out which exploit I’m using.

This should be entertaining considering how wrong you have been.

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Oh? I broke it? Really? The guy exploiting the game is telling me I’m breaking the rules? How rich.

You’re doing premades. Next question.

I’m not exploiting the game though.

I’m not.

And even if I was it’s not an exploit.

I was right. I did get a laugh out of this.

There’s no need to debate over semantics of the word “Exploit”. That is not why we’re here.

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Is Snozay one of the ones I’m to believe you experience “all the time”? Just trying to get a handle on how seriously to take you.

Starting to really see the “can’t stand to lose” part of the equation in play, here.

For you, I agree. You’ve been respectful and honest from what I’ve seen.

And I’ve even said I’m all for the cross faction idea, I believe. If not, I’m saying it now.

For Adroi and Kaledin, it’s never been about improving the game for anyone. It’s about venting, and asking for people to be banned.

So… let’s break this down.

We have one post from 17 years ago. We have another post from 12 years ago. And the last post, admitting queue syncing is fine, is from 5 years ago.

Which post do you think is most relevant to today?

Well, we seem to have a difference of opinion on that.


Man, you sure are responding here a lot. Not even in your post. Weird.

It’s almost as if you like people exploiting the game and other players.


You don’t respond to my statements, so not sure what to say to you. You’re defending something that is ruining the game experience for others players.

All I’m asking for is a fair game. That’s it. Nothing more and you and the other trolls are having an issue with that.

Why do you hate a fair game so much? Can you answer that?

People in this topic convincing people it’s okay for high school teams being stomped by national cup league players.


But it is.

When the main point of someone’s argument is that it’s an exploit and should be fixed then ignores multiple blue posts saying it’s not an exploit means they don’t have any argument and it’s all relevant.

This is what it really boils down too.

I’m getting sore ego vibes from losing.

That’s what it boils down to.

And I guess according to Snowpine, we need to grovel to make that happen. Unfortunate.

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So what if it’s not a literal exploit? They are still doing something that is detrimental to the overall player experience.

Some of the players on the receiving ends want:

Them to get banned
Blizz to change something in the Queue system
PVP to be shutdown
Communities to go to jail

Everyone wants something different, but the root cause of this new issue is the same. Queue Sync premades.


You mean you made an assumption and were wrong.

Feel free to doubt app you want. I haven’t done epic bg premades since Cata.

I don’t make threads. I just post in them.

That’s… not what’s happening. It’s more like two high school teams compete against each other and one team is better coordinated than the other. The worse team is now complaining that other teams are better than them.


It’s not a literal exploit and it was confirmed it’s not cheating or an exploit in 2019.

Which means Adroi has zero merit to his argument.

You can say you don’t like it and that’s fine. But when you keep repeating over and over that it’s an exploit when it’s been proven it’s not is intellectually dishonest.

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