Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Not only is one team a random clump of looneys, the other team is a well organised and equipped death squad.

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My guy, you’re the one saying people are wrong. I’m saying I disagree with you. Do you not see the difference?

No. You don’t. You’re literally not capable.


Anything else?


Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

It’s the meaning of the word. Since you won’t define what you think an exploit is, I’ll just keep posting that.

This thread still going?

You would think this “exploit” would have been fixed more than a decade ago lol.


But all you’re achieving is derail the topic from the real problem and that people really want something to change.


Even if it’s not an exploit it’s still devoid of integrity and that’s how you get people to avoid an entire game mode.

The title still stands with the “ruined” portion even if everything is ToS friendly.


that’s me!


I don’t even disagree with that but considering the attention Blizzard gives to PvP, which is practically none, this just fits the bill lol.

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The instant you admit this, the original post’s intent changes entirely.

The call to action of this thread is banning and making officially condemnable. Not fixes.

WERE it fixes, any number of progressive takes; cross faction queues, etc., would have been accepted.

Instead, the discussion is continually dragged down by the insistence that this must be an exploit, and thus people must be banned or punished, i.e. the ‘drop queue’ timer.

I’m only going to say so many times that I’m cool with other solutions before I shrug and assume no one’s actually interested in them. So far, from Adroi’s “side” that’s just Mohz, really.

The difference is that I have presented evidence showing that you are wrong.

Your evidence is feelings and self interpretation.

Nope. I just enjoy you being completely wrong.

Blizzard has stated it’s not. Which means you’re wrong.

It has heavy “remix frog farmer” energy. People cried about others farming those frogs in remix even though those frogs had been in the game since Mists lol.

but frog farmers got punished im not sure these are the same

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It’s worse than that, because resolving this really is as simple as Adroi or Kaledin saying

“you’re right, it’s not an exploit, but I would like to brainstorm ways to solve this thing I think is degrading the quality of the game mode.”

They literally can’t help themselves. It has to be the other players’ faults.

Literally not a single person got punished lol.

I’m not detailing the topic.

The end of the day of Blizzard has the stance that it’s not against the rules then nothing is going to happen.

You may not like it.

I don’t like delves. I think it’s a waste of dev time.

So people didn’t have their cloaks reverted and ability to get the free bronze from hitting max level that they added later, removed?

Which was pointless considering 95% of the power gains were from the armor which Blizzard didn’t touch lol.

sis you’re moving goal posts :frowning:

That’s one of the big issues and why the problem has gotten worse. I have stopped doing randoms for fun because of it. This has made bgs even more concentrated with these groups. It’s especially the case with epic bgs. That I was able to queue into them a couple weeks ago in back to back games highlights the issue. I think people see these groups and quit. More people join and more people quit.

Flat out lie.

POINT to me where anyone was asking for a ban when I initially posted this. I made it very clear that isn’t what I was asking for, though I do think players who do this stuff should be.

The CoC isn’t feelings.

Got it. So you’re spamming and trolling.

Define exploit for me. I’m using the word for it’s actual meaning. You seem to be confused what the actual meaning of the word is.

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Uh, no I’m not lol.

so how can the punishment be pointless when “literally nobody” got punished

mixed signals!