Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

He is referring to a post from 2007…before raid queuing was a thing and before they started fixing it in 2012.

At one point this was allowed and now it is not because it was PROVEN to be unfair. They won’t let go of that first blue post responding to someone asking if it was an exploit. It was dumb of Blizzard to allow it then, but they did.

Now they don’t. Things change. It’s an exploit.

HolyCow and Mohz are heroes

Discussion by Blizz on it in 2012

AGH I CAN"T POST THE LINK…there is an Engadget link from up above posted by Mohz

Quotes from PVP lead talking head Holinka around the time they banned raid Queues.

All documented. Black and white, clear as crystal. These guys are stealing fizzy lifting drinks!

Man I wish I could post links sometimes…quoting them is much more complicated.