Indeed. It’s about an overarching philosophy applied to the game in general. Remove yourself from the equation. It has nothing to do with personal wants or desires. The philosophy is what it is. An ideal cares nothing of opinion. Separating the two game experiences entirely is not something that should have certain caveats attached to it. Either they’re separated…or they’re not. It’s that simple.
I would be pretty pissed if they charged that much for a box.
Personally I hope Blizzard treats these the same way - separate ecosystem WOW: Classic only has things earned from summer 2019 forward.
Someone who has original CE pets has them in Retail and has had them for 14 years and will continue to have them. Done deal. The only way there should be special collector’s versions of pets (whether the same original choice or a color reskinning or some variant they can manage without stepping outside the original vanilla models) for WOW: Classic is with a 2019 WOW: Classic CE or Deluxe Edition.
(Really, this is about as petty as someone thinking they should have the AQ title and mount in WOW: Classic because they earned it in 2005-2006. No, it will be a new event. If they want it in both, they work to get it again with all the effort and cooperation that entails.)
EDIT: Haha, all that and I somehow completely missed the comment from Ythisens because I didn’t finish the post for several hours: Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking - #216 by Ythisens
Or someone who thinks they should have the AQ mount and title in retail if they are lucky enough to earn it in classic.
And that will absolutely happen. So will, “I did the rank 14 pvp grind in Vanilla. It was part of my Vanilla experience, so I should have that in Classic as well. Grant me the title and all the gear.” And so on and so forth. The second Blizzard cracks open that door, players will try to wrench it open.
So for those of you in favor of a collector’s edition what would you think of ce buyers being able to buy the original unarmored mounts in classic.
I would hope it was more like US$30, given the price of the game itself is US$0 instead of US$50. All we’d be paying for with a CE/Deluxe would be the bonus content.
Simple, if you got the CE license from long ago you get the quest item. Don’t? Then you don’t get one of the 3 pets.
No reward links, no special edition offered.
Why the filtered word are people arguing with Starman about whether he’s going to get his collector’s edition pets or not? He’s demonstrated he’ll happily respond to every post telling him he won’t, so apparently he’s getting what he wants out of this; are you getting what you want, or just getting frustrated?
Very happy to hear Blizzard is remaining firm on this subject. Classic and BfA+ should remain separate beyond a shared subscription and bnet chat.
Nothing about Classic should carry over to BfA and nothing about BfA should be applied to Classic. Rare items should stay rare, otherwise it devalues everything in the game. For example, why should people have bothered with challenge modes or the mage tower if they could just wait for WoW: Classic Pandaria (or Warlords or Legion or whatever) and have all the time in the world to obtain them.
Oof. Literally one of two reasons I’d ever consider doing Classic just shot down instantly. You know that thing that’s used to keep people playing? You guys are just throwing it away. Seems very silly.
The other would be to see old raids since I didn’t start raiding til BC, but even then the majority of raid bosses were “dispel this” or “GTFO of this”.
Sorry you feel this way but if that’s what you were hoping for then it sounds like Classic isn’t really for you. That’s okay though. I still encourage you to try it though!
It’s not throwing it away, its giving the community that wants Classic the most authentic experience we can provide. Adding any sort of reward carry over in either direction isn’t authentic and defeats the point.
Classic is there for those that will want to play it. Not just for rewards on their BfA license, which would be devaluing to those that earned those rewards that are no longer obtainable, and vice versa would be introducing things that were never there in Classic to begin with. Neither of which we want to do in this case. We know the community that has been asking for Classic for years doesn’t want either of those scenarios, and neither do we.
Your date for the feat of strength for having Murky would disqualify you.
“We” as in Blizzard developers? Or “We” as in the Activision-Blizzard accountants responsible for making financially viable decisions? I’m honest-to-god not being contentious here, but it seems so far the financial viability of Classic would hinge upon getting folks to play it, and having the reward structure go from Classic->current would support that financial viability.
Refer to my post above- I really would play Classic, for years, if there was a guaranteed way to get the Black Scarab mount as an end goal. I wouldn’t be able to play BfA for years, nor would I want to.
I speak for World of Warcraft. When I saw “we” I mean the WoW team.
I would imagine you could earn that in Classic. It would stay in Classic though given what we’ve stated already about it.
Ythisens, you are restoring my faith in Blizzard.
Posts like this are why I will fight anyone (politely and restricted to forum-appropriate verbal means) who says that communication hasn’t improved since Blizzcon.
You’re doing a great job, Ythisens, and we appreciate it.
Having to hit the gong during the event, or within a small number of hours after the event started was part of vanilla.
Those who hit the gong months, or even weeks after the event ended did not get the title or the mount during vanilla.
And where do CE pets/Murky fit in with this? You say “authentic experience”, well, there’s a vanilla CE box on my shelf in the next room.
People here that have the CE want the pets. People without the pets want to keep them from the people who own them. Seems to me like the people without the pets are being petty and jealous. “No changes”, they say. Well, no Murky, Mini Diablo, Zergling, or Panda pet in Classic, ever, is a change. Funny how the “no changes” people are now arguing for a change.
And since there hasn’t been any discussion internally about this, I wonder what’s going to happen to the pet NPCs. Do they disappear? No CE pets in Classic ever? Nothing to show that you have something from days gone by? Then give everyone who plays Classic the ability to have a CE pet and then the pets become common. That’s not very special anymore.
And to those saying this is a “slippery slope”, you’re blowing smoke. If people are asking for their titles (Master Sergeant here), they have to re-earn them. Those are earned, the pets are given. Very different.
My “authentic experience” was having people saying “ooh, where did the Mini Diablo come from?”.
It would be a shame for those four pets to not see the light of day in Classic.
It seems to me that he answered that question in his earlier post.
It’s likely we won’t implement something that ties into the existing things you own on the live game, but maybe reoffer them since Classic is it’s own thing.