Please hurry up the Microsoft deal! 2023 wait is too long!
Zovaal’s end raid cinematic is utter trash lore wise, on top of retcons that forced the story into the trash compactor!
Shadowlands failed to show why Zovaal was attacking us!
On Zovaal:
A lore point that apparently Danuser forgot:
Sadly, this is far too true:
Zovaal and Denathrius working together with Zovaal as the brawn with Denathrius as the brains would have at least made sense.
And, here’s the real rub:
See, here’s the thing.
The retcons to force Zovaal as a huge story causing threat of all that has been, and on top of the Sylvanas body pillow train as written by Danuser is just…
WoW has never been closer to actually dying than now.
WoW SL still has at least one cinematic left with Sylvanas in it.
As if the cringe weren’t already bad enough with this train wrecked expansion to date…
Class balance…
What Class balance?
Apparently Elemental Shaman being in game is no longer working as intended?
we know with reasonable certainty that the void lords hurled old gods at random through the cosmos to infect nascent titan worlds.
it would be a fair assumption that old gods serve void lords. Other questions i believe are currently undefined.