Zovaal was zobaad

Denathrius was way cooler and interesting. I swear they had no plan for Zovaal, his story was just yolod like the last 3 eps of Star Wars.



ooooor we are too small to understand. and next 5 expansions willl gradually explain the epicness we missed.

why did we kill Illidan in outlands? we were beasties in BFA…

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The power of Ray Chase’s voice acting compels you

He is hands down the best character in all of Shadowlands!


Cause they threw every last piece of poop at the wall in legion hoping anything would stick after the disaster that was WoD. I know it’s cool to like legion now but it’s when everything I dislike about the current iteration of WoW started.

no, Wrath was when the game went bad.

did we really need naxxramas in tier 7 and then … get this … third Anub’arak in tier 9?


He looks so creepy.


That face to me says one thing.

Dammit, I should have taken the 10 minutes tops to flatten Haven. A Plan millennia in the making…and I messed it up over 10 minutes.

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Yes. Just like we needed stone general to say no…its not our place to kill Kel thuzad. who we then kill later on in raid.

Kael Could have off’d him. they could have found another add fight raid boss to use.