This is true but there are also drama lovers who have made a “exit speech” 3+ times in a 4month period. Sad but true.
I wont mention names. You know who they are as much as I do.
This is true but there are also drama lovers who have made a “exit speech” 3+ times in a 4month period. Sad but true.
I wont mention names. You know who they are as much as I do.
I think it’s disingenuous to suggest people don’t post about disliking DF. This is just a few after a cursory search. There certainly is always someone, repetitively, posting about disliking DF.
However, another cursory search shows many people who are enjoying DF and like it a lot.
I don’t hate the game. I hate what Ion and his spiteful war against flying and casual gearing have done to the parts of the game I liked.
Some of us are here because we are hopeful that either the top management team gets sick of the bleeding sub count or Ion gets hit by the proverbial “bus” and things improve.
If you are going to come running to the defense of your beard, then you might want to look at the conversation more closely.
She said she knew of at least TWO names on these forums who have been “non-stop” complaining since BFA.
No one said anything about how many people hate Dragonflight.
No one mentioned Dragonflight or the numerous threads you’ve posted under your alts trying to convince everyone that it isn’t as terrible as everyone else knows it is.
So please, go somewhere else to promote that awful expansion.
Thank you.
Pointing out flawed logic isn’t defending Blizzard.
They’re just trying to yuck your yum.
Who wouldn’t protect their beard? Also, who attacks a beard?!
Make that 5 complaints. lmao
Because they dont hate the game. they hate the issues with the game that shouldnt be there.
Ion is to Blizzard like Justin Trudeau is to Canada. Read the room it’s time to move on.
As opposed to those who sit an imagine what others are thinking and doing?
I get it, I don’t use the commonly thought of social media platforms either. No facebook, no twitter, etc., etc.
But… I think any place where you are being social online that is not a direct line to another, where others ( more then one ) can read what you say, you are on social media.
As a father of 4 I have watched the progression of social media with my kids. Both scary and cool at times. They are all adults now so a bit less scary but some have friends from other countries through social media, mostly gaming. I personally find this strange as it’s hard for me to connect with someone without face to face conversation and activates. But I have to admit, it’s kinda cool you can have positive relationships 100% online.
I guess I’m to old for it, I have made acquittances online but never felt like I really connected as a friend with any of them.
Because I dont have 300 million dollars yet. I could actually afford to do something IRL with that kinda dough.
My guess? They absolutely loved WoW in the past, but not what it is now. Losing something you love will always hurt. Unlike someone who died, there is a chance of getting their loved game back. That’s my thought, right or wrong, not defending one side or the other. Just saying why some people may be screaming in pain.
(Classic takes them to the past, not turning the present game into what they used to love. Finding that balance is up to the individual, not the company.)
Youre either too biased to see any wrong, or blinded by hate to see any right, there is no in between here.
Let me answer this for you. They’re here to trigger you and the rest who get annoyed by their complaining.
I’m def #triggered rn
I quit FF because I didn’t like it. Don’t see me on their forums spreading malcontent.
It has always been popular to dislike the game. You’re not allowed to enjoy it until years later.
I know that WoW has no flaws, and nothing should ever be changed, since it’s perfect.
But given all that, I bet Blizz doesn’t appreciate the white knights that tell people to leave the game.