Ok, we tried it for a tier, no Master Loot sucks

Blizzard wants feedback on changes, here is mine. Not having guild master loot, or some other system to reliably trade gear is awful. Every single week we have a piece of gear drop for someone who doesn’t want it and can’t trade it to someone who does want it.

I don’t care if it’s master loot, change how personal loot “upgrades” work, free for all loot on the boss, I actually don’t care what system is used but there has to be a better system for guild groups so we don’t have to waste gear drops every week.

If you don’t raid in a guild setting this doesn’t concern you. I am talking about changes for 90-100% guild member raids. Leave the personal loot system for pugs as it is fine for the most part in that setting.


How about, no trade restrictions if it’s a guild group (ie 80% and above). This way guilds can still trial players without the trade restrictions (they can also see if they’re willing to be a team player when it comes to loot).


I believe that groups should be free to determine the type of loot they want to use. If somebody doesn’t like the loot rules for that group then they’re still free to go to a different group. That said, I personally prefer personal loot.


Please bring back ML or remove the trade restrictions. This is beyond frustrating.


What irritates me is if something is an iLvl upgrade I can’t trade it. My resto shaman has a 340 weapon and 360 shield. I loot a 355 staff and can’t give it to anyone in the raid.


I’d support ML if Wf Tf went away. I’ll be damned if my bis tf drops to have to give it away


Then don’t join a guild that uses ML.


Not a problem since it doesn’t exist zing


Guilds used to use master loot?

I feel like part of the reason Blizzard felt okay with taking it out is that few players utilized the feature. (Because it’s silly).


Was its presence affecting the people who didn’t use it? No? Ok… then why remove the option to use it? I always hear about how more options = better on this forum.

LFR - More options is better, stop telling me how to play.
Flying - More options is better, stop telling me how to play, don’t like it then use a ground mount.
ML - “It’s silly,” I want you and your group to play how I want you to play.


masterloot is dead like good class design.


As of today, almost 28,000 guilds have killed at least 2 bosses in Heroic Uldir. Even if we take an average raid size of 15 that is over 400,000 players. I get it’s not the entire player base, but it is a fairly big chunk.


No one would really know the answer to that. People will reply with their experience that their guild uses it, but I don’t know.

My old guild eventually turned it off and people simply rolled on it. We had some guidelines in place to help make it for. Like Mains>alts, all that jazz.

I don’t really see the point in bringing it back. Maybe the trading restrictions can be toned down or removed, but other than that, I don’t see much of a point, personally.


I think what you’re suggesting is the trade restrictions being removed. ML means that your guild decides where loot goes.

And if they do remove loot restrictions and you get your BiS,. it tfs and your guild wants you to give it up, then you’re not in a good guild


I don’t care if they bring ML back or not but I do have to agree on removing the trade restrictions.

Even if a piece is an ilvl upgrade it doesn’t mean it is an actual up grade if it doesn’t give me my desired stats.

I may not do normals and higher for raids or mythic plus but do like to do the best that I can with what I do


I have had both good and bad experiences with ML, oddly enough all my bad experiences were in Wrath era and made me not want to raid (and that was guild raiding). I did PUG but that was plagued by ninjaing. But guess what, ninja looting became impossible (mostly) with the systems introduced in Legion with Forced PL in non-80% guild groups.

In my eyes, the issues around ML were largely solved in Legion for players who wanted to PUG/did not trust guild leadership/partial guild groups. Why ML was ever fully removed is still a mystery to me, as I am sure the “trial” problem was not necessarily the reason it was removed and is used as a cop-out. There was even options for guilds to choose PL or ML depending on their style.

I really wish the option was either still there or the restrictions were at least lifted on trading. Do not get me wrong, I am not going to sign a “loot contract” but if I get a poorly stated but high ilvl piece then I want to be able to trade it to the Raid Leader to give it away. I doubt Blizzard would ever return ML, so easing up on restrictions a little would be nice.


I didn’t understand why the took ML away from guilds. They could make it some sort of option that had to be set before anyone entered the instance. Or make it an option that only a guild leader could set… There are ways they could have done it so that it stayed out of the hands of the pug scene.


Oh well that’s simple: Removing ML cripples mythic raiders and artificially prolonges content life. They have to reclear and reclear instead of using ML to strength thier raid where it needs it. The sole point is to make the good ol time played metrics look better for investors. Instead of, yknow, investing more into the game to make it fun and so ALL players have things to do when not raiding. But they didn’t pick that strategy and relied on cheap business tricks instead.

The arbitrary loot trading rules does the same thing I stated above, but for everyone else, mythic raiders to the most casual of casuals who just want to give a friend a peice of gear that dropped.

ActiBli$$ doesn’t care about those feelsbad moments where you want to help a friend out anymore. So long as you continue to keep trying and grinding for that gear you couldnt give them, and boosting those time-played metrics.

I firmly believe the strange and selfish Relic system in Legion, where you had to bind the relic to yourself before you could even see if the traits were an upgrade created this loot fiasco.


THIS THIS THIS except I do not prefer PL


The current loot system is in place to eliminate the benefit of running raids with a mix of mains and lower geared alts and having all loot funneled to mains. Without the trade restriction, we’d see this behavior again.

Not that I necessarily favor the current system, but that is why it exists this way for everyone, not just LFR and pug groups.