Hello all,
<Oblivion> , Hyjal is a semi-hardcore raiding guild. We are veterans wanting strong reliable core raiders with prior mythic raiding experience or wanting to go further to join our ranks, for the foreseeable future. Our objective is to clear end bosses on mythic difficulty, to get cutting edge, and have fun while doing so. Our guild is mature, +17 only.
Raid times : Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-9:30pm PST
Current progression: 4/8M Uldir, 9/9H, 7/9M Dazar’alor
What we are looking for: Warlock, Shaman (elemental), Warrior, Mage, and Hunter (ranged), In no order. All excelling players will be considered. We also like to have mythic+ groups going every week. Social ranks are welcome.
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/hyjal/Oblivion
What we provide:
- Strong approachable leadership, with prior experiences
- Clear goals, and no bull!@#$
- A fun and enjoyable raiding environment; while we take raiding seriously, we are here to enjoy the game while doing so.
- We have mythic+ groups, casual pvp, achievement runs, and other events to support our guild members.
- Optional Saturday raid day same time as regular raids
- A fun discord with memes
What we expect:
- Consumables, flasks, will not be guaranteed to be provided. PLEASE be prepared to bring your own
- High attendance for raiders
- Communicate over discord and work as a group
- Mature attitudes and respect for others
- Willingness for self improvement
- Knowledge of your class
- Knowledge of outside tools and resources
- A transferal before trial period (due to personal loot)
When you join
We will provide a stable and enjoyable environment for our members, and always strive for the best in our raid team. Recruitment is available for the classes above as of 4/2, and will be trialed for a core raiding position. All exceptional and competent players will be considered. Trial period lasts about 2-4 weeks and is fairly straight forward.
During progression fights, we want our raiders to stay focused and prepared. On farm bosses, our tone and mood is more relaxed. We strive to be drama free, and Problems/concerns are taken and hashed out as soon as something arises, in a respectful and fair manor.
Contact leadership
If you have any questions or are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to answer any and all questions/concerns. You can also contact Moon on discord @Moon#0786