No loot trading, and no GM loot support

Yes another loot trading topic.

This is a quote from another thread which I think deserves more spotlight.

I think this scenario is enough to show that we’re at a mathematical disadvantage when it comes to loot trading and abusive behavior.

The only solution to this problem for both the players’ healthy gearing environment, and the reduction of GM support tickets regarding loot, is to eliminate both loot trading and GM/Blizzard loot support.

Other servers are currently using a “tough luck” policy on loot and it has worked great for several years. People are ninja’d occasionally, but it’s something we handle as a community and it’s an unfortunate reality of the social landscape.

Blizzard. Leave this alone. If you see a ticket regarding loot, copy paste the default denial message and close the ticket. We as a community can handle this ourselves. Maybe move the need button to the other side of the rolling platform so nobody can say they accidentally misclicked. After that, we’ll be fine.

People who played vanilla like to fantasize that they’re a tougher player than people playing later expansions. Nobody really knows if that’s true, but I know we can sort this looting problem out ourselves like a community should do.

One thing we lost as retail progressed was our sense of social interaction. Social interaction was replaced with mechanisms and coding. LFR, LFD, etc. By implementing loot trading, you’re only showing that you’re once again willing to replace a social function with a programming function. That goes against the spirit of vanilla.


maybe they’ll get rid of loot trading once some stockholder plays Classic WoW and then gets a felstriker ninjaed from him by 4 casters and the healer who all rolled need on it for their friend and then tried to lie to him about it
“oh its only one guy that I have to compete with for felstriker, right?”


No complaints here.

Honestly, people don’t even need to use the whole “it wasn’t in vanilla,” defense when it comes to this.

The reason NOT to have player trading has a thousand legs to stand on, while player trading is like the pirate with one peg.


And the peg you speak of is Blizzard’s benefit and not the players’



Personally, I have no problems running the same dungeon multiple times until I get what I need. If someone who also needs the gear gets the better roll, so be it.


Someone posted a quote from the book “Wow Diaries” and an old developer said the most expensive thing about wow was the cost of customer support. I think loot trading is 100 percent in wow classic.

This thread is trying to help them cut cost. It basically says, tough luck, we will not be getting involved. Get over it. Move on. Try again.


Were better off without any kind of in game support structures than we are with automated or player controllable support.

That’s the point the OP makes, and I fully agree.


I should of read the whole post before I started running my fingers lol. I agree with the OP then.

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Looting accidents might be more common than Loot-trading-facilitated-ninjaing will be, but 99% of looting accidents are going to happen pre-60 where things are rapidly replaced. Almost all of the loot-trading-facilitated-ninjaing is going to happen at 60 on highly sought after rare loot. Felstriker, Hand of Justice, Ironfoe, etc.

Don’t allow tickets for loot issues.
No loot trading.


Why did I lie to myself thinking that loot trading would never be a thing in Classic. Breaking my own heart I suppose

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I don’t understand your statement. Explain?

I just made an assumption would be the way it was in classic. I.E. no loot trading. I didn’t consider the possibility they’d allow it

If someone attempts to request gm support for loot anyway, not only is the ticket denied, but their account is suspended from classic access.

The only way to remove the suspension is to play on retail for a FULL HOUR. After this terrible punishment, they’ll definitely have learned their lesson.


I agree that loot trading should not be in the game - and also agree that GM support for loot should go by the wayside as well. This is a much better solution.


Yup. I’m on board. No loot trading, no support. I don’t have an issue running an instance again. Unless it’s Wailing Caverns…


100% agreed. I’d rather have no GM support when it comes to loot tickets than an abusable system.


It would increase the risk of Ninja looting - but at least you know who is bad, and who isn’t.

I’d rather bet on the good nature of people, rather than the bad.
People on forums are too pessimistic!

GM loot support existed in vanilla, not having it would be a change

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No wonder CS was so amazing in classic, it is 110% garbage now. I remember it still being awesome in Cata, and awful in Legion, so it must of changed in pandaland or WoD

GM loot support was in classic, but if costs are a thing, then I would gladly give it up in the classic remake if it means loot trading won’t be in.

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