Why a 2 hour loot trading window is NOT a good idea

While I understand why Blizzard would add this feature, to avoid tickets for their customer support, I believe this will create another set of problems with bigger repercussions for the players.

Scenario 1 : Me and two other guild mates are doing a dungeon. A sword drops that our paladin buddy needs. The three of us can roll need on it, if the paladin does not win it, me or the other guy can trade it to him if we win the roll. So even if another member of the group genuinely needed the weapon, he’s got less chances to get it.

Scenario 2: On the last boss of a dungeon, an item highly wanted by the other members of the group drops. I roll need on it, and if I win it, I can try selling it to those who really wanted it. Without the loot trading I can only vendor or disenchant it for minimal profit, so in a way, loot trading would encourage ninja looting. And since we’re on the last boss, even if I get kicked out of the group it does not really matter.

Those are some examples that came to my mind, I’d like to hear your thoughts on this, be they in favor of this system or not.

Thanks for hearing me out.

In scenario 1 if your guild mates are people who can’t use that sword, all 3 of you are ninja looters and should be treated as such and blacklisted.

In scenario 2 you are a ninja looter and should be treated as such and blacklisted.

I think there are some very real concerns about loot trading, but garbage behaviour is only going to be rampant if the community decides it is acceptable behaviour in the first place.


I agree with you on this, that kind of behaviour will definetly ruin my reputation on the realm/server. But I feel that a system of loot trading encourages that sort of thing to happen.

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Blacklisting is not a pearl, it is missused too.


I think that, given enough time, people can think up all sorts of things that can happen with loot trading. Once they’ve imagined it, it’s almost like it’s already happened and they suffer the righteous indignation of those who have witnessed injustice in the world. “Oh, goodness me!”

Now take loot trading away. There are other people out there who can imagine how that can be abused by others (not themselves, of course!) and once they’ve imagined it, it’s almost like it’s already happened and they suffer the righteous indignation of those who have witnessed injustice in the world. “Oh, goodness me!”

There is really only one way to avoid the injustices of ninja looting, with or without loot trading: git guild. Stop pugging, or at least stop being the one pugged into the minority.

Or, just live with the lower rung on the totem pole that helps the RNG gods decide whom to bequeath their largess.

No loot trading, and no GM loot support is the only sensible option.