Agree with no loot trading and no gm loot support.
GMs who loot supported are corrupt gms because that’s not how the game worked, if someone with master loot gave wrong loot to wrong person or decided they wanted to trade it to another person it shouldn’t be possible.
I only support one thing. No loot trading + GM assistance. Just like classic. It’s either that or its a change. And I’m not going to support or do any bargaining with changes either. If they decide to change it, they will do whatever, but it won’t be with my support.
Wow. That’s actually not that surprising. If the current wow mentality is to spend as little as possible on classic customer support then they should simply 100% remove loot trading and any support for incorrectly looted items. That way the GM’s don’t even have to touch the issue the few times it comes up and the majority of the user base isn’t punished by a system that encourages ninjas.
Oh Im still going to play. I’ll just continue to ask for them to change those things (likely in vain) throughout the duration. But just because I can’t stop them from making change A doesn’t mean I need to throw my approval behind changes BCD and E.
Yep everything points to them wanting to do this cheaply. I think thats why its likely that this won’t change. But I’ll keep asking. Maybe once Classic brings in more subs than expected the purse strings will loosen. Who knows.
We still don’t know how loot-trading will work. Currently in retail when you need roll, as in the scenario you suggest, you can not trade items to another player. It becomes permanently soul bound. I presume that is the system they will go with. In other words a party rolling to work together will meet a nasty surprise when one of them who don’t need the item wins and it becomes DE/Gold fodder.
Personal Loot is the default now. You don’t roll in dungeons/raids/etc anymore. To combat the fact you don’t roll for gear, you have a 2 hour trading window for gear. You need to form a group of people to even use this, and no one ever really does that for world groups, so it’s not something people see pretty much ever.
You seem to not understand. It was changed sometime in Mists of Pandaria for need rolls to make it not able to be traded. That is what is still in game. That hasn’t gone away. That’s the system I’m assuming we’ll get.
If we get the broken trade whatever you need for away system your points have merit. If we don’t then we won’t have any issues at all.
Yup. This was pointed out a few times but none really grasped it. You’ve laid it out very clearly.
I still don’t think loot trading should be in classic though because it is going to change the gearing process pre raid. Quite possibly speed it up as well.
Speed it up how? People are going to win loot they were going to win regardless. The only speeding up would be when things are handed out via masterloot by mistake. Which does speed it up, but only minimally so and I don’t think it really affects the system greatly.
If gear that’s needed is not tradeable, then it doesn’t alleviate the problem described by Blizz during Blizzcon. Based on the problem scenario presented by Blizz, I don’t know how you draw the conclusion that they’ll use Mop system.
Or why you even assumed that is what they meant. There is no logical following to assume it.
I’m just gonna roll need on everything anyways because that’s how the system works and I’ll need the mats for disenchantment. Need/greed is a terrible loot system.
Yes it does. It alleviates the masterloot problem. That’s what they are talking about by allowing this system to stay in. Logic says that if a raid leader gives an item to the wrong member then they have to wait for Blizzard to be able to fix it-OR-blizzard can just let us trade items from raids. Easy fix, same outcome.