No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

it’s sad that she/he wasted so much time datamining my pet collections when he/she could of just checked my rio where all my characters are listed…

It’s not a secret, there is nothing to hide. People have multiple characters! Shocking I know. I only post on two characters, one Horde and one Alliance in the SF so mysterious!


You can describe the Sylvanas actions that she wants to save the universe to make her fans happy. Doesn’t matter to me she still needs to die from my own bias PoV and thats fine.

As for Aethas he did what he did. And jaina did what she did. Aethas made a gesture to get back into the club, he wasn’t even acting on BE interests only his own. Lets all agree he is a class A ahole.

As for Jaina and her constant flipflops are a annoyance to everyone. The only ones that enjoy it are the ThrallxJaina shippers that like drama.

Bold of you to think that I’d waste more than a few seconds for a forum troll like you

What are you going to do, expose me as a (current) Sylvanas fan?

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Getting mad at people for playing a different colour of fake character and constructing bizarre tribalist worldview where you think calling someone a horde fan is like an insult is actually the move of a very stable person.


So becoming night warrior to do what? Kill Nathanos? Seems wasted


Honestly, after the second Siege of Orgrimmar and how that ended, anyone thinking they’d get justice or vengeance was an outright, naive fool of epic proportions.

Blizzard will never write the Alliance as being overtly aggressive, at least not without smoothing it over and justifying it in some flimsy manner. And the Horde, on the other hand, will never be written as anything other than people with a compulsion for atrocity who never get things smoothed over, but also never face justice.

This has been Warcraft since Wrath.

The only hopes Sylvanas killed were the hopes of the story getting any better.


No idea what this even means. I’m just pointing out that you’re maybe the last person who should accuse others of alternate identities


Well, blizz did sell the story about the tree™ as a start of a story about seeking the justice, etc. I looked at the story of BfA, and not only this side of the story is brushed aside most of the time, but also do not follow it up as advertised.

So, how about instead of giving blizz a free pass by saying

which might be easily taken as “why bother doing anyway”, it would be considered to use a novel idea of telling the story for which they took the money (instead of selling a product with one premise, and then reusing the money on who knows what) ?

gl hf


Yea, and you’re lacking context. I was pointing out that this poster is actually a Horde poster posting on a Night Elf alt, and their arguments prove it.

I bet you’re also aware that this poster called people “r*pe apologists” for not agreeing with their absurd views about Sylvanas, right? And many other disgusting things?
And the only reason why I bothered to find out about their main is because one of their comments once magically got 10 likes in 1 minute, so I just went ahead to check and found out that they indeed liked their own posts :woman_shrugging:

Also: Ardenweald spoilers vindicate Loyalists - #85 by Ethriel-elune

Obviously you wouldn’t care since all you do is trying to expose me of being another Night Elf fan, which I honestly couldn’t care less about. What’s the point you’re trying to make even?
I’m not posting on a Worgen or Forsaken character and making comments that aren’t genuine about how everything is perfect in their story, am I ?


you seem to care A LOT about what i do on this forum so yeah, I think you put in great effort to try and make me look bad for having both a Horde and an Alliance character I post on and honestly it just makes you look crazy along with your little friends Vuldezi and Cytriss too.

You are a psycho, and any rational person would protect themselves from you. You are unstable. Leave me alone, on this platform and on other platforms.


I didn’t say Horde Players. I said Horde.

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Glad we’re on the same page.

There is something I want to point out, something going back to the reveal.

At the time, you could divide most Night Elf boosters into two camps based on their reactions to the War of the Thorns:

A. The jaded and disillusioned camp that either went through Cataclysm or otherwise didn’t trust Blizzard to give the Night Elves a substantive resolution. We saw them brutalize and use the race for someone else’s benefit, and figured it would happen again. (That is to say, the War of the Thorns existed for the Horde’s story about finding themselves, nothing else)
B. The side that pointed out that these are usually the beginnings of revenge stories that are set up for the wronged side to achieve catharsis. These were the people who were insistent that this was motivation to fight the Horde.

At the end of BFA, Blizzard declared that we couldn’t hold the Horde responsible, so the Bs had to shift their focus to Sylvanas, who Tyrande now will not defeat. Sylvanas is of course in a raid, but stay tuned and hold on to your butts on that one. Other threads here are already discussing the possibility of redemption. So that avenue of catharsis is out.

Despite what I said about context, that is still a very narrow road, and in those cases, Blizzard generally doesn’t want to do right by us anyway. So, so far it looks like the “As” have it. There was no larger point or meaning to Teldrassil. It was something that was used for someone else’s story - we were collateral damage.

Also, leave Renautus alone. You made your point.


It’s not like it’s necessary to support either of those things. However, till the game will be hit by serious financial troubles, no changes in the writing team could happen IMO.

[thoughts to myself]
Maybe it is better to collect the missteps and all the mess they did, so that if there is an opportunity to point it out, such grievances would actually be clearly articulated and ready :thinking:

gl hf

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Y’all are both just exhausting.

I’ve talked about this at length in another reply here ( How can we make WoW Great Again? - #120 by Vanforth-wyrmrest-accord ) but the issue is that Blizzard really can’t do right by “you” (being the Night Elves), because they don’t tell stories concerning race as often anymore.

Blizzard has boiled WoW down into two narrative straightways: Horde vs. Alliance, and Heroes vs. Big Threat.

We aren’t humans, Kaldorei, Orcs, Forsaken, and other races anymore, we are simply HORDE, ALLIANCE, or HEROES. Nothing more than that.

It’s hard to tell narratives focused on specific racial cultures with the limited time/resources they devote to the story; they instead focus on telling broad arcs that will poorly deliver, but touch on something for everyone.

All the Kaldorei problems become an Alliance issue, just as the Forsaken problems are a Horde thing; the races are nothing more than a footnote, at this point.

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This is not a constraint, this is a choice - a choice that I argue is a bad one in an MMO for reasons that go well beyond our problems.


I don’t disagree at all.

And considering it’s a stupid decision, I constantly talk crap about Blizzard because they deserve it at this point.

Blizzard has been trying to tell a single player story in WoW (an MMO that needs to be diverse) for too long, and they still haven’t gotten the hint that it’s making things worse. So, so much worse.


Yep, I think we’re on the same page then. This post nails the issue quickly and effectively.



So, from the current narrative lead the goal of what was done in the narrative seems to be straightforward:

Battle for Azeroth is absolutely an opportunity to look at both sides [honorable and evil] that have made up the Horde storylines throughout the years and pull them together. And maybe give a chance for the Horde to look inward and maybe become something new


1st thing:
the absurdity of the premise, that people who chose to play the horde were dreaming about “gosh, I hope the horde will be changed into what it never was! That is presicely the point I wanted to play horde to begin with!”

To do so, they dragged through the dirt the identity of W3 horde, with all of “honour was never a thing really”, etc. (did not play english version, so those who did might point out specific language used to portray the origins of the horde back in the days™, and the language used to demonize the horde, to justify the devs twisting the faction into whatever they prefer)

I do not know if they are that locked in the echo chamber to genuinely think so, or it’s just trolling, but the same interview said:

But shaping what those factions mean in the world and how they interact with one another? That’s something this expansion really allows us to focus on and resolve in a way that will be satisfying for players on both sides.

So, yeah. The current team seems to be on track to twist what people knew and liked into whatever suit their taste.

In a way, what happened to night elves is not that different to what was done to others. Same methods, same ideas, same decisions that make the joke about

“the devs solve the problems the players don’t have with solutions that players do not want”

into… not a joke really.

gl hf


So, absent any deep thoughts on the implications of where the story will go: Thank God that Tyrande still has her BfA armor. This entire time I’ve been terrified that she was going to revert to that dumb dress and her Jersey Shore hair at the end of the storyline. I’ve also never been a fan of the dark eyes, so this is a double win for me.


They’re in an echo chamber of incoherence.


  • They were surprised the players liked Bwonsamdi, and scrambled to change the story they had for him, and originally planned on not having him in Shadowlands (the LOA OF DEATH was NOT GOING TO BE IN THE SHADOWLANDS lmao)
  • They were surprised at how players reacted to Zekhan/Zappy Boy
  • They genuinely expected the Horde playerbase to consider Teldrassil a “fist pump” moment
  • They were surprised at how the community reacted to Teldrassil, ergo all this Tyrande stuff in Shadowlands that was probably not originally the case

It’s not even a conspiracy. Whoever Danuser/Copeland/Gregory/Golden are surrounding themselves with are not their friends and have been nothing but destructive to the narrative.