No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

I guess I was way too subtle into what I was implying. I expected too much.


Yeah, you should class change to rogue


So the entire Horde military and leadership?
Thats a lot of people.


Sylvanas also had the support of the people. No matter how much Horde Players want to omit that fact.


She’ll have it again after Shadowlands anyway :woman_shrugging:


If they were genocided to oblivion how are you playing one still?

Seems like there’s still some around. Which means they can renew. Simple, right? :slight_smile:


Game mechanics =/= lore.

And I doubt just because the race didn’t get deleted means NEs don’t have legitimate grievance and aren’t entitled to a resolution.

Horde players still complain about the purge and taurajo just fyi.


I know I’m extrapolating a lot from just a couple of lines but I’m guessing (hoping) that the combination of mentioning renewal with the winter queen eavesdropping leans into most of the night elves being rebirthed or something.

It will never fix everything, and it can never be a retcon, but I feel like that’s the closest the game’s ever going to get to undoing the alliance-side damage of BFA. Otherwise I feel like the story’s forever going to be “look at how much they’re struggling from a genocide” and I don’t see how the game can ever move on from that.


Alliance bias hurting Alliance players
 shocking! You can’t have revenge if you want to keep the moral high ground. Blame Blizzard for not letting the Alliance ever get it’s hands dirty.


damn i wonder why. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean? Do the NEs want “resolutions” like both those events got? Sure, the Horde killed the Butcher of Taraujo, after Blizz spent more time whitewashing and absolving him of that tragedy than was actually placed on Taraujo itself. Or are we referring to the “resolution” of the Purge? Where the leader of the victims (Aethas) was forced to beg for forgiveness? Hey, if those are the sorts of “resolutions” the NEs want 
 have at em.


Kill the one responsible and the one at fault for a lesser crime asking for forgiveness and making amends by good will gestures?

Sign me up.

Yeah the problem with making half the playerbase war criminals that need to be wiped out
 is you made half the playerbase war criminals that need to be wiped out.

Blizzard: Okay, so for the start of the expansion, y’all commit genocide on the Night Elves, that’s cool!

Horde players: 

Blizzard: But
 Horde number one! Fist bump moment!

Horde Players: crickets


Kill the “innocent well intentioned man who just lost control over his conscript forces” and “the guy who’s mistake was trusting the fate of the woman who’s city he helped commit Dalaran to defending, over Orc Hitler” is forced to beg and bow. While those who led the Purge (Jaina and Vareesa) walk around like its no big deal. Hell, we Hordies even get to help Jaina wail on a Sunreaver victim of her purge in BfA lol!



You are not going to red herring this. Not today. The biggest problem with the War of the Thorns is not that you felt bad about it. The biggest problem with it is that it destroyed the locus of investment for a playable race community.

This being said.

Three things.

A) These spoilers already contain a kernel of doomerism that I was wrong about. I figured that they were depowering Tyrande - that was incorrect as shown here. She allegedly still has her undefined powers.

B) This is to my community: stop lashing out at people as a default. YES, this is frustrating, and there are going to be some denialists who need to be called out to the carpet - but don’t go looking for them. Please give your feedback calmly and rationally.

C) I do not know yet what context these comments are being made in. While pessimism is still absolutely warranted, there is room for alternate explanations.

Sorry to break the combo here, but there it is.


Again the irony of you trying to sus out mains is very funny


That’s a scapegoat and resolution doesn’t work that way, the Horde has always wanted Ashenvale long before Sylvanas and the Horde took it. The Horde needs lumber for moar spikes.

How come ?

I’m not?

War of Thorns was godawful, the whole War Campaign was godawful, the death and destruction of character and setting they caused was godawful.

Committing an atrocity against one playable faction and making the characters of the opposite playable faction outright villains was a horrible idea.


Every time you do go through this song and dance we both know is a charade it gets less funny and more concerning.