(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Quantity does not mean quality. However much of it is there, does not change that it’s all a part of the same pattern. Example:

the absurdity of the premise, that people who chose to play the horde were dreaming about “gosh, I hope the horde will be changed into what it never was! That is presicely the point I wanted to play horde to begin with!”

Horde got a lot of attention last expansion. Was it good though? Did loyalists get what they wanted? Were other players happy for what they were dragged through? There was a lot of it. Yet it’s no good. And fixing what was done to the horde would require time and attention. Imagine, even more attention!

Agree to disagree here.

The separate marker for “story is bad” in the unsubscribing survey was an accident.

I do not think the story is the main problem, but it might be that one extra that tips the scale from neutral to “to hell with it”.

I do not need to be in or out of touch. All I’m saying, maybe not even to you personally, but whoeever would read, that the underlying problems are very similar across the board.

Trying to turn discussions into “players vs. players” is counter-productive and is just a way to ignore the problems plaguing the story overall.

Yes, night elf posters, especially last autumn, sadly went personal against the other players. Yes, there are other players who pretend that there is much difference between the twisting of Sylvanas narrative, Chronicles narrative, or night elf identity.

But there is more to it. More, if the goal is to find some answers or rough ideas. Not for the current narrative team though.

Power levels are worthless when the story is inconsistent. They are as strong as weak, as the devs want to make them.

But this lack of consistency and attention to the player experience is what got us the current state of the story.

Yes, night elf part sticks out. But it might be because that’s like the 1st community that is that persistent. Orc fans were just shrugged off. W3 horde was drowned in questionable substences. Yet here is a bump. Which might lead to something better, something different.

I mean, nobody else could get even that little. Not the forsaken, not the orc fans, etc.

Cause underlying requests to respect the source material and player experience is not “stupid”. You can of course seek for more “out there” ways to word the thing, but under the hood it’s all the same.

gl hf