No Bullions droping this week

the 12 cap is in reference to what you can get from raids, not including the bullions from weekly dungeon quests

Has Blizzard commented on this anywhere?

No, of course not. Communicating with the players would require way too much man power. Can you imagine how much work it is to say “yes this is intended” or “no this is not intended”?

They would probably have to delay a raid tier for that much communication.


The people doing the communicating probably need to first get that information, and since the devs are probably in crunch mode, access to them may be a little more restricted than usual.

But I agree that “we’re looking into it, stay tuned” should always be possible.

2 trinks 2 rings 1 neck 1 cloak
5 tier pieces
3 crafts
I mean what’s the problem here?

If only they remove the stupid vault and make this bullion thing permanent. cap it at 6.
I am ok with trinks+wep bis

Running the same thing for 4 months and not being able to optimize your main just blows.

Im sure they’re still able to send/receive an email

I’ve still yet to find a response on this. Nothing in hotfixes either.

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So many people keep saying “it’s capped at 12”. WE KNOW. We want to know if this is a bug or intended. They did NOT ever say it would be capped at 12.


We identified an issue that caused Antique Bronze Bullion to become discontinued early unintentionally. Bullions will begin dropping again with the next weekly reset, allowing players to get the one they would have missed (the 13th) as catch-up, alongside the regular 14th Bullion. After this reset, Bullion will continue to drop each week until the War Within launches.

Thanks for the reports!


Aged like fine milk on a hot summer day.


Crazy that it took over 48hrs for y’all to even acknowledge the issue.

Glad there’s a fix, but do better with communication.


Just credit us one if we did a boss. This was your bug, why punish players?


This is a pretty fair resolution i figured this is how they would handle it. You should get 2 next week on your first drop i see people doing catch up consistently get 2 at a time.

You’re running a full raid or a wing next week anyway. How are you being “punished?”

How else can you play the victim card?

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Incorrect. They have confirmed it is a bug.

Typing it doesn’t mean it was in the notes lol, considering they have flat out said we’re getting 14+ I would say you’re full of it unless you have a link

Small indie company gotta small indie.


This is awesome! Thank you!

I am happy its getting fixed because there was still a few more pieces of gear I wanted to get.