Antique Bronze Bullion Not Dropped in Full Clear of LFR

I have plenty of alts who should’ve received 4 Bullions this week with catch-up all LFR full clears…
5 alt only got 2; 3 alts got all 4; 2 alts got 3; 1 alt got 0

I haven’t heard a lot about the catchup mechanic issues nor experienced anything with that myself. The only character that missed a week, I got both bullion on the same kill and it was consistent with what we knew about how you get it to begin with.

I had exactly the same thing on my character: Bloodsheeva, a DH, on Wyrmrest. All my other toons got the Bullion just fine, but even after every boss in LFR, on that toon it didn’t drop, and I always double check the loot just to make sure I didn’t miss anything. And nope.

My evoker just did a full clear of LFR VotI and only received 2 bullions but this is the first time I have played her at all this season. So I’m currently missing the other 2 bullions (and yes, all bosses were clicked on and looted, nor is there anything in my mailbox). This hasn’t happened on any other character of mine so far but I don’t understand why I didn’t even receive my first one until 5 bosses in…

Guess I’m waiting until next week to hopefully get the rest :frowning:

Interesting, do we have anyone who has gotten 3 bullion on one kill?

My hypothesis based on everything I know is that your catchup mechanic only awards 1 additional bullion per loot. We know the bullion drops from any boss so we could theorize that you might only be able to get 2 per drop trigger max but that you need to kill more bosses in a week to fully catch up if you are that far behind. Meaning you may have to run normal to get the others.

That is if you can get more than one drop event per week. Your the first person I’ve heard report in after missing multiple weeks in a row.

Ive fulled cleared lfr and cleared 5 heroic bosses and ive only looted 1 bullion.

Bumping this because i’m one boss off of a full clear on my paladin who’s not done a single fated raid this expansion, and haven’t seen a single bullion drop. I’m looting each boss, scouring my bags afterwards, but nothing.

I see other people getting drops of 2+ on a kill, but not I, and i should be swimming in them from the catchup mechanic.

Edit: Now a full clear and still nothing

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This is my only character that I do any type of PVE on. I haven’t killed an awakened raid boss in about 3 to 4 weeks so I decided to hit up LFR to catch up. So far I’m 6 bosses (2 wings) down on the awakened Vault of the Incarnates and 0 drops of the bronze bullion. I’ve seen others loot up to 2 at a time while I’m stuck with nothing. About to try the last 2 bosses.

Blizzard if you’re reading, please look into this and fix. Some of us don’t do normal/heroic/mythic raiding and only do M+. The drop rate shouldn’t be this punishing for us.

I just ran a full lfr for the first time this season on this character and did not get a single bullion drop after for sure looting every boss. Other characters and alts on my account were getting a full catchup in a single lfr wing.

i have run my alt on lfr for 2 weks and i havent gotten any bullions… does anyone know if there is a bug ?

Just got done with LFR and a heroic raid with a toon I haven’t played all season and only 3 have dropped so far. What ever this bug is doesn’t look good for my alts.

The original bug reported in this thread had to do with the chance to get 1 bullion on a week when you had no catchup bullion. The chance to get your first bullion per week is extremely prone to swings of probability.

In my personal experience since this post was created by me. In relationship to catchup bullion I have never been in a situation where I had more than 1 week of catchup to recover. I always got 1 extra on the first occurrence of looting bullion. However, having catchup bullion “available” didn’t accelerate the rate at which I earned the bullion. It could be the first kill or i might not get any until the 2nd or 3rd boss in a 2nd clear on a 2nd difficulty that week.

My assumption based on my programming knowledge is that the probability of getting a bullion is probably the same either way.

Like I am not sure the catchup mechanic is you run a raid and you walk out with 8 bullion because it just rains from the sky. Just that your not prohibited from getting additional bullion under the normal probability factor. The goal isn’t to give you as much bullion as you have missed in a short period of time but rather the cap on how many you can earn that week is removed. If that makes sense.

Personally - I think that there should be bad luck protection in that your guaranteed to get a bullion after two failed loot of qualified sources so that everyone on a weekly basis can get their bullion from 1 wing of LFR. And if their code awards catchup on that same rule, being guaranteed 1 bullion every 3 bosses would be reasonable to me.

Every week just running Looking for Raid I got my 1 piece of Bullion. This is the first week I didn’t get bullion. Since I have issues with my hand, looks like the week no bullion for me.

This is the first time ive cleared LFR and not gotten one bullion. Is this a by chance thing or is it supposed to be guaranteed to drop one time per week?


Apparently from a few others and WoW-head (yet again 3rd party websites) are more informational than Blizzard itself. Was it intentional no one knows, as we are not Blizzard employees, but 12 seems to be the current hard cap and seeing as this is week 13 since the drop of Season 4, once you hit the cap of 12 then you won’t be gaining anymore bullion.

The only way to have gone above the hard cap, was if you did the Mythic + weeks which gave an additional +2 bullion as part of the quest of 4 dungeons so you could have had a max of 16 Bullion.

If you want as much of the trans mogs (cosmetics) and don’t do Mythic + dungeons you would have to have acquire 230 bullion or run 1 main and 19 alternate characters through the awakened raids.

Its so pathetic. Its been TWO whole days and nothing. Radio silence from them.

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Two characters both cleared the awakened raid and no bullion this week. I still want a few more transmogs and of course the CSR’s are no help with :person_shrugging: I got more characters to run raids with but why bother if I am not going to get bullion.

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Just finished a full clear of Vault LFR and didn’t receive any bullion, but was dropping off the bosses for others. Guess I’ll have to wait till Tuesday and hopefully they drop.

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My fresh 70 did it today and got 3, but, they have never collected one before so that is possibly why.