Bullions from Awakened Bosses

So wtf. All raid bosses and only two of these things while I watch people getting one practically every boss. This is not the way to keep us happy. Please Fix your Darn GAME.

It’s random. And you can only loot a maximum of 12 i believe.

Please fix your darn understanding of RNG

I think we’re up to 16 starting this week. There isn’t a cap.

You did all of the LFR wings and only got two? Seems extremely unlikely tbh.

its actually 16 this week


Ahar! You’re right! I’ll fix my post.

/run a=C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(3010) print(“You have earned " … a.totalEarned … " of " … a.maxQuantity … " possible bullion drops”)

to see how many your at for this week

You have to put it in a code box. The forum formatting changes the periods to ellipsis.

/run a=C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(3010); print("You have earned " .. a.totalEarned .. " of " .. a.maxQuantity .. " possible bullion drops.")

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Considering the drop rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if you see them drop from every kill in a raid. However, I doubt that you’re seeing the same characters get one from every kill. Partly because a lot of characters are fairly caught up to the weekly cap and don’t really have many to loot, and partly because while the drop rate’s decent, it’s not that high.

I was wondering how bullion drops work.

Did some Awakened LFR with a couple of buddies who talked me into trying it out.

It wasnt that bad but i did notice while after 3 LFR runs he got 5 bullion and i only got 2.

In the end I really want people to be happy in those spaces that are made for everyone. I think it is time for Blizz to recognize there are others challenged physically and if it makes their money and time worth it just let them have what flying suits them and be done with it. PF is so Yesterday, and really this of all things should be patched into the game asap. Cheers.

I just went through all my alts (that did LFR) to ensure they spent all their bullion on transmogs.

They drop in m+ too no? I have 8 i need to spend on something lol…

It’s RNG. You’ve got a certain chance to get a bullion, and an additional chance to get a second one. You just need to get lucky and kill enough raid bosses.

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