No Bullions droping this week

As in you can’t get a 13th bullion because they didn’t raise the cap on them this week. Who knows if this is a bug or intended.

But if its intended they should of let us know.


its capped at 12


The question is not whether it’s capped or not. It is capped.

The question is whether it’s a bug or if it’s intended.

I assume this is an oversight and will get hot fixed later since there is really no good reason to cap bullions.


Might be capped because pre launch patch is next week and there’s a rumor going around that Bullion go away when that hits. All DF raids also become awakened when it does but idk why they’d kill the bullion drops before TWW truly hits


All raids are Awakened once prepatch hits. It doesn’t make much sense to remove bullion. It also doesn’t make much sense to cap bullion.


Honestly the Bullion going away was something I heard in a Bellular video so…idk if it’s 100% true or not

I really want bullion to keep dropping per week until the expansion drops. It motivates players to keep running raids that they may not care to do again. It also gives more people reason to run lower and high keys to farm crests.

There is a problem with no bullion dropping after 12, well 2 problems:

  1. Any Evokers that spent their bullion on gear and have not yet got the legendary, and didn’t save any for it until it dropped, would not be able to upgrade it from the S2 version if they get it on a non-awakened week.

  2. Similar issue for the axe.

We need bullion to keep coming. It’s not hurting anything to keep it coming until launch. If anything, it keeps some players to continue running content. Keys are slow enough as it is to fill groups in S4, and removing bullion removes the need to farm crests.


they said day 1 of S4 that we will be getting 12 boulions. Check wowhead.

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Girrrl that mog! Your guild name is accurate. You just leave the set from a Janet Jackson music video?? Love it!


I’m pretty sure this is only week 12 anyway.


who’s mog? o.o


While this may only be week 12, You had 2 weeks where you had a quest that gave you bullions. Therefore, you would be capped already with 12.

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We get another mythic dungeon weekly at the end of the month, so we’re looking at at least 2 more.

Yours! It’s awesome!

mythic dungeon has nothing to do with the bullions?

this is week 13

As of 6/20/2024:

It’s currently unknown how many bullion players will get total, though it’s likely at leasta dozen, if not more.

So an assumption is all I can find thus far. I’ll go back through the WoW news articles to see if I can find anything else.

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If you did both quests and got 1 per week for 12 weeks, that’s 16 total. So we could have received 8 items total. But it doesn’t make sense to cap it now when there’s mog and more.


Guess the actual cap being counted with the script is Bullions that were actually acquired via boss kills and not those from the quests.

Hmm, I read most of wowhead news and I don’t recall that.