No Bullions droping this week

The only thing Wowhead had was an assumption, but they said they don’t actually know.

well, at least we will still have the weekly mythic+ quest on the 30th which gives 2 more bullions, unless they remove that as well without saying anything :wink:

Capping this just harms people who don’t like making a character for every spec of a class and want to use all their specs. Really weird and bad decision as usual.
3 priests: 12 bullions per spec
1 priest: 4 bullions per spec


As of 4/20/24:
Players will receive up to 12 Bullions throughout the season. It is LITERALLY in the Season 4 patch notes.

thanks. least something I do gets praised lol

Knowing Blizz…

That weekly awards 2 bullions.

Link please? Because these are the official patch notes and I’m not seeing anything about 12.

Okay? What is your point? Just because there are new dungeons incoming, has nothing to do with bullions?

i found this

  • It’s currently unknown how many bullion players will get total, thought it’s likely at least a dozen, if not more.,Only%20one%20bullion%20can%20be%20looted%20each%20week%2C%20but%20with,two%20the%20following%20week%20instead.

The cap on the icon is 12, and knowing blizz, it is literally 12. Not to mention if you read in the PTR notes for s4, it says it’s more than likely 12.

I can’t do link bc I get banend too much. Search s4 ptr notes.

Yeah, I posted that earlier.

Put ` on either side of the link.

… so wait. We went from “Patch notes officially say it’s 12” to “it’s more than likely”? Now I’m confused.

But PTR isn’t live. And live patch notes have no mention of it?

Which I’m guessing is where the assumption comes into play?

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We are getting one more mythic dungeon weekly before the expansion launches. It awards 2 bullions. Idk how I can be any clearer.

His point is the Mythic dungeon weekly quest for S4 awards 2 bullion.

You can be clear by Stating your intentions of your statement. All you said was we were getting 2 more dungeons. You didn’t state we were getting another Bullion quest, Which is null and void because the 12 count does NOT count the Bullions quests, it only counts the Bullions you get from the raids. I don’t know how much more clear you want it to be…

No that wasn’t his point, as it was nowhere near what he stated…

If bullions were confirmed to be 12, why would wowhead make a post wondering if it is capped at 12?

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Has Blizzard said anything about this yet? I haven’t seen it and I think there are 2 threads about this. I asked on Twitter, but have not received a response.

Uh… he was clear.

The “at least 2 more” is in reference to the bullion.

No he didn’t say that at all.

Yes, he absolutely did. See above quote.

Yes. It was what he stated.


12? I got 14 bullions somehow, spent it on my legendary, 2 trinkets, 2 rings, neck, and cape. There was a week where a quest gave you 2 bullion and I heard others saying you should do the raid first before claiming the quest that gives you 2, that way you would recieve 3 instead that week. did that twice.

Mythic dungeon weekly awards two bullion.