New Survey News on wowhead

Honestly, who even gets these things. Been playing since 2007 and I’ve never been asked for my opinion.

Questions about significant changes including QoL.

Please don’t shoot the messenger.


Some people never get polled or picked for jury duty. It’s just how it rolls.

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Seems like I get picked for jury duty every dang year…

Would like to delegate it to those who never get picked


Looks like it’s specifically for the future classic era servers not for the progression servers. Don’t particularly care what happens with vanilla

Ugh, I thought the point of Perma Classic only Servers was to have them as Classic forever, now it might become Classic+? (sigh)

Oh well. It was fun, while it lasted. I didn’t get the Survey, either. I got none of the surveys.

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Classic (vanilla) shouldn’t get any more changes. It should always be the version people can go to see the original game. To go home basically.
I will be very disappointed if in 12 months from now, classic (vanilla) is a lot more different with multiple changes and feels more like retail.



I’m thinking about what kind of “changes” they would implement. I just really, really, really hope they don’t put in LFD. I would have a BIG problem with that. Same with a Level Boost. Though, in a prior thread, a Blue said that it wouldn’t be there, but that doesn’t mean forever especially with this Survey out. I’m very disappointed.

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I think all the QoL changes and things like transmog are on the table judging by the questions I read.

QoL would include LFD, something I don’t want, at all. Like I said. Who knows? Maybe Mounts at level 10? LOL

The first question on the questionnare asked me for my age. I said I’d prefer not to say, and the questionnare then became inactive for some reason lol.

So, apparently, if you want to provide feedback, you have to provide personal information. If you actually want to complete the questionnare, but don’t like giving out personal info, just enter fake personal info and you’ll be able to complete it. /sigh

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If they’re going to do “#somechanges” for Classic, I hope they’re “reasonable” ones like the following:

  • Race Changes
    Race Changes would be within the realms of your Faction. For example, you cannot Race Change a Nelf Rogue into a Troll, Orc nor Undead one. You can only Race Change into a Human, Gnome or Dwarf one.
  • Gender Swap
    If Barbershop is not possible, have a Gender Swap Option, avail. Just can’t Gender Swap from a Female Nelf into a Male Troll or something. Gotta keep it within the realm of your Faction.
  • Faction Changes Part 1
    This one is tricky. Because Alliance cannot be Shamans, and Horde cannot be Paladins, the only way to allow for Faction Changes to exist is that Paladins and/or Shamans are exempt from the Faction Change Feature.
  • Character Customizations
    I like those Character Customizations from the Standard Game like the body paint, different skin tones, hair styles, etc.
  • Barbershop/Transmog
    Barbershop would include Gender Swap. Transmog would have a Void Storage because I’m not about that Account Wide nonsense.
  • PvP Servers are not Faction Bound
    As of right now, PvP Servers cannot create an opposing Faction set of characters, if their first creation is of another Faction. Should remove that.
  • PvE Server Transfers to PvP Servers
    As of right now, anyone on a PvE Server cannot transfer over to a PvP Server. Perhaps uplift this.
  • Duel Specs
    Have the Duel Spec be purchased for 1,000g, like how it was introduced in Wrath, the first time. And then, in order to swap back and forth between the two specs, you have to talk to the respective Class Trainers, in order to still keep them relevant. Instead of being useless (except for Mages, barely) and just an aesthetic.
  • WBs Adjustments
    Have WBs tick down, even if you’re logged out to deter this “WB Meta”.
  • Achievements
    For those who want them “bragging rights”.
  • AoE Caps
    So, some (not all) will stop complaining about Mages and their “Godlike” abilities :roll_eyes:
  • LFG Listing
    I do NOT want LFD, but I’m not against an LFG Listing to making forming Groups easier than spamming Chat Channels all of the time.
  • Removing Same Shared Mob Spawns
    Seriously, what was the point of this? To help “grind”?
  • Meeting Stones Turned into Summoning Stones
    'Cause why not?
  • Guild Banks
    Again…why not?
  • Removing the Quest Limit
    Again…why not? LOL

Aight, those are the “reasonable” changes (IMO), now how about some “Classic+” suggestions that I (personally) wouldn’t mind LOL

  • "Harder" Raids/Dungeons
    Perhaps have Normal, Heroic and/or Mythic versions of Raids? Maybe even “harder” end game dungeons, too. Like a Normal, Heroic and/or Mythic versions of Scholo, Strat, Dire Maul (all three of them), BRD, LBRS and UBRS, etc. And, if we’re providing “Harder” Raids/Dungeons, I guess we can have a WB NPC that hands us WBs willy nilly, but they still tick down even after you’re logged out!
  • Dailies
    These Repeatable Quests (or lack there of) or even the minimal amount of Rep you even obtain from kills (looking at you Cenarion Circle) SUCK! It is the most tedious thing EVER, and I do A LOT of tedious things! Plus, Dailies was a nice way to obtain some Gold without having to play the AH, farm Mats nor participate in GDKP, and all that other “fun” stuff. I’m against just slapping on a tabard and spamming dungeons, so I prefer a Dailies system.
  • PGs (Proving Grounds) instead of Attunements
    Aight, I get it, Attunements are important, and I hope Blizz does NOT get rid of the Ony Chain but maybe not have it be REQUIRED for Ony and other fun stuff Attunements like MC and such. Keep the Quests in there as a “Quest Tracker” for those Achievement Hunters but not have them be REQUIRED for those Raids. INSTEAD have a PG system for one to PROVE their worth SOLO. 'Cause Attunements means they can still get help and didn’t exactly do it Solo. PGs is 100% a Solo project. That’s just me, though, and yes (I get it) I’m REALLY changing the Game here LOL
  • Arenas
    IDK anything about PvP but why not slap some Arenas up in here?
  • Additional Professions
    Bringing Archeology into the mix with Classic? JC and Inscription? I’m not really for it, BUT I really, really, REALLY do love those JC Panther Mounts and would LOVE to play Horde more, if this was avail. The Horde Mounts SUCK! LOL
  • Additional Races, Classes and/or Combos
    Dwarf Shamans/Tauren Paladins, Death Knights/Monks/Demon Hunters, Belves/Draenei/Worgen/Goblin/Pandaren/Allied Races available.
  • Faction Changes Part 2
    With Additional Races, Classes and/or Combos, this shouldn’t be a problem. This will allow more openness with the Race Changes. If no to Additional Races, Classes and/or Combos, maybe, just maybe keeping Dwarf Shamans and Tauren Paladins, to make Faction Changes possible. Or, Shamans and/or Pallies are restricted from being Faction Changed but that’s still ridiculous.
  • Flying
    Just seems like a Classic+ thing to me, as opposed to “#somechanges” LOL

Things I do NOT want but foresee!

  • Account-Wide
  • CRZ/Sharding/Connected Realms
  • Personal Loot

EDIT: I forgot to mention the following changes, and I consider them as “reasonable” changes.

  • Name Changes
  • Account to Account Transfers

EDIT 2: A change I foresee, but I don’t want…

  • AoE Looting

EDIT 3: Another change I foresee but don’t want…

  • WoW Token

EDIT 4: More Changes that fall under “reasonable”, for me.

  • Black Lotus has a low chance to be picked from high level herbs
  • Raid-Wide Buffs for 60m Buffs, instead of Group Buffs
  • Give Mages Refreshment Table and Warlocks Cookie Table
  • Having additional “Bag Types” like Reagent Bag, Mining Bag, Enchanting Bag, etc.
  • Higher Stack Count (for example Ores, at the very least…stack up to 20 instead of 10?)
  • Pally Taunt
  • Actual Druid Rez instead of being stuck with a 30m BR.

EDIT 5: Was discussing this with my Husband about the WB NPC, maybe have a bit more restrictions on it. Obviously, the WB NPC would be for the individual to talk to said NPC for said Buff (when that individual talks with NPC, it won’t spread out onto other people, only the individual talking with the NPC). Perhaps, make it to where like…if you want the Ony buff, only is avail, if you’ve actually turned in the Head, yourself? Stuff like that. There should definitely be a timer on this thing. Make it avail once every 12 or 24 hour type of thing? :thinking:

I can tell you I certainly won’t I did look at that survey actually I would be intrested to see if someone makes a straw poll of it if I’m being honest

It’s worth pointing out that the discussion of changes or not doing changes can vary dramatically depending on exactly what said changes are.

Like fixing av to not be a constant horde win via cave positions and not allow alliance premades would have been a change… But one just about everyone should have been OK with (and why it was never done, is beyond me). Adding in transmog, however, would have been a big “no” vote for me (but not for others).

Context matters a ton.

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I, for one, am thoroughly disgusted with them right now. If they put in any of those changes mentioned in the survey, I’m out permanently. Again!

I realize that my one little insignificant sub is of no consequence to them but I’m going to say this anyway. I quit when TBC was released the first time and did not come back until Classic.

Then they started with all the TBC stuff again, with the possibility of ruining Vanilla once again, and stringing people along interminably with all their innuendo, surveys, hints, “leaks” and letting everyone squabble in anticipation.

I quit again, to wait for them to shat or get off the pot, because I refuse to give them my money while they play their stupid little head games. I came back once they announced that we would be able to continue playing Classic Vanilla permanent servers.

And now this. Here we go again. Due to the fact that they are once again talking about the possibility of pulling the rug out from under me, I will now be quitting again until I know whether I will indeed be able to play Classic Vanilla as-is, and without the constant threat that they “might” change it.

I have better things to do than waiting for them to make up their minds if they want to give us what they promised in the beginning. And I certainly have better things to do with my money. I want to know what I’m going to be paying them for.

Once they make up their minds and decide to tell us just what exactly we will be giving them our money for, then I may or may not be back, depending on what is decided. I do not pay for smoke & mirrors.

/end rant

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