A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Wrong, you said it yourself:

Exactly! That’s VERY different than trying to ask for OPTIONAL “fresh”. The other “fresh” threads were more in alignment in forcing EVERYONE to be on the same playing field. I’d comment in those very threads stating that while I would like “fresh” BC, it wasn’t for ANY of the reasons those threads were suggesting. That’s how I knew who the Majority were because those Threads would constantly get shut down.

  1. A Vocal Party asking for Classic is HIGHLY different than asking for RP Servers and/or Language Servers, first of all. An argument can be made (even if it was just a “vocal minority”) that there’s ZERO possibility of accessing Old World (Pre-Deathwing Destruction), in the Standard Game. The ONLY way to do that is through Classic. I’ve been advocating to have that accessible in the Standard Game for awhile. With this Survey it infuriates me, that they MIGHT (keyword) want to alter Classic with some QoL Features, when they can just make the Old World (pre-Deathwing Destruction) in the Standard Game that has all of these QoL Features, already:
  1. In relation to RP Servers, they’re still really not that popular. Grobbulus might be the ONLY one (and that’s stretching it), but that’s an RP-PvP Server. Deviate Delight (an RP-PvP Server) is a Low Pop Server. You and I are both on Bloodsail Buccaneers (the ONLY RP Server, it doesn’t have the “PvP” part, slapped onto it) is a Medium Pop Server. With BB, though, it’s Alliance dominated, so if you plan to roll Horde, just know it holds similar population numbers of Horde members as Pagle does. Though, Pagle has WAY more Alliance members than BB, does.
  2. In Regards to Language Servers, NONE of them are “High” Pop, at all. Oceanic has 3/4 Medium Pop with one being Low. Latin America AND Brazil, only have one Server each are both LOW population! So, no, the RP Servers and Language Servers are not that popular compared to other Servers. Classic (as a whole), however, has a moderate amount of people playing.

I think it’s the only way it’ll work.

I agree with that.

IDK about that…with the Survey out scaring the heck out of the Perma Server community…we’ll see LOL

You think they’re going to create some abomination Classic option?

Don’t we already know? :woman_shrugging:

“Not Right Now”

Kind of like what I’ve been saying? :thinking:

“Not Right Now”

You’re welcome!

That’s not true. “Fresh” is still “fresh”, no matter how you slice and dice it. Also, don’t argue this with me because somebody else thinks you wouldn’t mind “either” or even thinks that anyone asking for “fresh” means “Seasonal” and that “NEW Servers” and “Seasonal” are “the same” LOL

This same person agreed with me that this thread is a:

I am responding to everyone.

They can accuse me of anything they want, that doesn’t make them anymore “right”. Not once have I accused any of you for “trolling” because I don’t have to. I can conduct myself without resorting to calling any of you that. Calling anybody a “troll” doesn’t strengthen anyone’s arguments. Typically, when anybody resorts to name calling, it means…you lost the argument, simple as that. Not once have I called any of you “trolls”.


Can you tell me why you don’t agree with it? Is it that far of a stretch to believe that adding redundant Servers is just spreading the population so thinly by the time Perma Servers come along, and Blizz will have no choice but to turn on Connected Realms?

Then, you (specifically) can stop replying to me because you’re never going to change my mind.

Earlier, yes. However, I’ve said (time and time, again), that NEW Servers will NOT “fix” your issues. I don’t find it worth it to create redundant servers just to have 4 weeks of “fun” before it becomes the garbage that you hate. I’ve said this, over and over, again. I think that’s a rude thing to do to the BC Community, to make them suffer through Connected Realms just because you lot want 4 weeks of “fun”.

And, all the garbage that you’re trying to run away from, will still follow you, no matter where you go. I suggest you learn how to deal with it. Which is why I suggested Seasonal because those servers will NOT be redundant, and that “fresh” experience (again, IK it’s not EXACTLY, no not “nothing” 'cause there’s still remnants of similarity between the two, especially to others who think they’re the same, not me but somebody else) who want “fresh”. We’re not going to get EXACTLY what we want out of this, you need to UNDERSTAND that. Which is why you need to figure out what’s important to you and learn what to “give up”, so you don’t disappoint yourself. Which, I think you’re going to end up disappointed, regardless.

I have to do this, too, with Perma Classic MIGHT (keyword) be adding in QoL Features. I created my own post regarding what I believe to be “tolerable” and expressed the changes I don’t want but can foresee and preparing myself for when they arrive:

Don’t get me wrong, I want NONE of that, but I’m going to prepare myself for what’s to come to Perma Classic Servers. This isn’t what the Classic folks want, either, but we’re discussing these things and hoping for the best:

I guess that’s kind of a compliment LOL

Yeah, I guess I’m equally as stubborn as the rest of you, huh? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Correct. I don’t either, but that’s just me.


Actually, ALL of us will especially by the time Perma arrives!

According to the “New” Servers created for Classic (like the RP and Language Servers), they didn’t really but OK :+1:

LOL keep dreaming :rofl: