A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Again… 355 > 333

Stop thinking “both” ONLY caters to “fresh” because it doesn’t. It caters to Progression, as well. Progression Only has 202, and Both (which caters to progression, as well) is 153. So, 202 + 153 = 355. It beats “fresh”, end of story.

IK that, doesn’t mean we should continue to add more redundant servers.

Doesn’t mean you’re helping the situation, either. Just being as problematic.

I prefer Server Merges but considering Blizz’s history in NOT doing that, they’re going to Connect Realm us making us ALL lose Server Identity which is one (there are many, but this is one of them) of the reasons why I like Classic over the Standard Game is Server Identity. This is something I’ve mentioned and created a thread about, too:

I’d rather play on a Dead Server than be Connected Realmed. But, IK for a FACT that I’m in the minority pool, on that one. But, I’m trying so hard to stop it and find better solutions to retain Server Identity. Including listing some “tolerable” (IMO, anyway) changes, to keep that from happening:

So, I just want to be clear, that what you’re saying is, you don’t mind Connected Realms happening on Perma Servers (including BC ones) and Server Identity to be lost? You’d prefer it over “dead realms”? At least tell me that, and I’ll happily move on.

I prefer them over NEW Servers.

All you do is Fallacy Fallacy and Ad Hominems. You don’t provide anything constructive to the conservation.

I respect them more because they’re not using cowardly (again, not calling you a coward, only the act of what you’re doing) tactics to get their point across. They’re actually having a conversation. Unlike you.

You’re welcome!

EDIT: If Blizz won’t Connect Realm, I’d be in favor for NEW Servers. Have as many as NEW Servers, as you’d like. But because they are is why I’m against it. It’s not hard!