"major" classic changes

Yes, there is. There’s others, you and me hence “we”.

Who have altered the game based off of their buyers.

I see some (not all) having their “dreams come true” with some QoL Features implemented, to make life “easier” for the player, in question.

You don’t know what “ideas” they’re grasping at either or what conversations they pull from. There’s nothing wrong with having that conversation. By refusing to converse, you can’t complain about the changes they do make, when you never participated in any of the discussions, I’m sorry.

I (also) think conversations between the players, as well. We were kept being told “no”, “no Classic”, yet here we are with Classic because the players talked about it and spoke with their wallets. That’s how this works.

I disagree but go on.

“Fun” is subjective. Some (not all) find “fun” in “winning”, I don’t. Some (not all) find “fun” in RP (a lot really don’t). Some (not all) find “fun” in doing nothing but leveling Toon, after Toon, after Toon. You don’t get to dictate how players define as “fun”.

I really don’t care about that competitive group that have ALWAYS been around, since the beginning of time, in EVERY video game, ever! They have NOTHING to do with me.

If they want to waste their real life money to be “leet”, let them. It doesn’t change the Boss Fights. It doesn’t change the Questing Zones. It doesn’t change how items work, in the game. I think my idea is rather harsh because I’m still allowing for Faction Changes with restrictions (kind of). But, I understand why you disagree with Race Changes and respect it.

It’s not really an “easy way out”. They still have to fork real life money at Blizz, in order to Race Change. If it helps keep the population numbers afloat to stop Connected Realms from happening, than I’m all for certain (not all) changes to occur.

I do play on RP Servers, so I understand your point, but you need to understand that not everybody feels this way. Some (not all) aren’t here to “connect” with their characters. Though, I still have a “connection” with ALL of my Toons. Including my Worgen Priest (that I connect with as a Worgen) who went through not only one but TWO Race Changes. She started off as a Nelf, than I made her a Draenei, than I turned her into a Worgen, and she’s remained a Worgen, since. I still “connect” with that character, in every way. She has a really cool Transmog :slightly_smiling_face:

I never said they’re going to use “my version”. I put the idea out there and ask for support. The more an idea has support, the higher probability it gets implemented.

I haven’t used the Race Change in the Standard Game, in a long time, last I checked, when you opt for the Race Change, it was to Race Change into your Faction Races, only. The Faction Change Service was completely separate.

I (actually) did go over the Faction Change part (if you actually read my post) and mentioned the difficulty of it because of how Paladins and Shamans work, in Classic. I can see Race Changes being a thing, absolutely. Faction Change is (to use your words):

I believe they do. Without the Buyers asking for features, these features wouldn’t exist. I remember the cries over ML, now the Standard Game has PL.

Well, I’d rather “quit” knowing I tried rather than “quitting” without knowing what the hell I’m talking about :woman_shrugging:

Fair. Blizz definitely gets inspired by their Buyers, though. We do have some influence in their decision making. To think we don’t is just wrong.

And, I’m striking up a conversation to see where we all compromise at and/or agree/disagree. What’s wrong with that?

I’ll have to dig around. I just know certain Retail Addons are documented with how many downloads they receive, and it was shown that the Retail ones are downloaded more than the Classic ones.

IK it’s not as high as it used to be (back in Wrath), but it still has more players than Classic and is still standing despite being a 15+ old game.

I do see what you’re saying, but you can’t deny Addon Download numbers for Retail vs Classic, which Retail Addons are being downloaded more than Classic, so what does that tell you? I’ll have to find it.

Lemme provide you the context:
The Questlines are still the same. Our Abilities are still the same (with the exception of the Paladin one, even though that’s not until max level, anyway). Deathwing hasn’t destroyed the old world, yet. There’s no Inscription Profession, flying in old world (not through the means of FPs, ofc), DKs, etc. So, unless, all of that changes, I can see your point. At this point, this is all just “preferences”.

I did expect Layering, yes. That still doesn’t change the Game. Layering existing doesn’t mean that Game has now changed. The BC Questlines will still be in tact.

I figured they would do this because they (similarly) did this to Classic. I wonder if they’re going to have Mounts be obtainable at Level 30, though :thinking:

Well, it is BC, so it is different than Classic :woman_shrugging:

This would be another preference choice.

I think I remember them talking about maybe adding in some “harder” Raids, so this point may actually be moot :thinking:

IK that. If you actually read my post listing all of the changes, I said that I don’t like them but foresee them (not exactly verbatim but still):

I’m being open to expecting some of these changes that I don’t like.

IK that HENCE the discussion!

I still really disagree with you on that because it all comes down to subjectivity. If these changes can help bring more people in to NOT Connect Realm us all, I’m for it while possibly (keyword) keeping some remnants of the Classic aspect, in tact. I’m (also) making it very clear with the changes I find (key phrase) to not be so “Classic+y” vs “Classic+” style.

I’m sorry, yes. That’s exactly how this works. In order for Blizz to get money, they have to figure out what their buyers want. In order to figure out what their buyers want, they have to figure out what that is first, hence why they keep putting out all of these surveys and getting ideas from Forums, YT Videos, etc. That’s how that works. Unless they want to go bankrupt, then sure, by all means, they can continue trashing their game. I may be the minority here (and, that’s OK). Which is why I’m having this discussions to better understand the WoW populace, and what to expect, when changes come.

All the BC stuff they spewed out, worked out EXACTLY how I imagined it, with all the conversations I’ve had with the WoW populace. Despite me (in particular) wanting a “fresh” BC, it’s CLEAR the “majority” was not on that same train of thought.

Then, I don’t understand why you’re even arguing with me :roll_eyes:

It’s why I’m discussing them, so I can come up with my own analysis and see if other players agree with them or not, that’s all. That’s the whole point!

You still can. I’m sure there’s plenty of PServers out there that won’t have the B-Net Launcher, and all that fun stuff. That really isn’t the point, I’m trying to make here. The point is to see who agrees on what (which, according to you, you think everything I suggested, you don’t like or at least disagreed with, and that’s fine, you’ve said your peace, now I would like to hear from others I was addressing). I still don’t think my suggestions other than the “Classic+” ones, are that far-fetched. Maybe Transmog, maybe LOL