I can understand the fight for Seasonal. The fight I don’t understand is for NEW Servers. What is NEW Servers?
NEW Servers are “new” Servers created for either Classic or BC (or even the Standard Game, if you will) that do NOT have an established set of max leveled players, an economy, faction imbalance, etc. So, Blizz just creates an endless amount of NEW Servers, as they progress into their rotting fest, over and over, again. I don’t think I stand with the concept of the NEW Server movement.
But, I do stand with the Seasonal Server movement.
/end of my research in what “fresh” means.
EDIT: NEW Servers
NEW Servers are “fresh” servers that will continue into stagnation. And, Blizz will continue to create more and more “fresh” NEW Servers, as they stale out, over and over, again.
Seasonal Servers
Seasonal Servers are “fresh” servers, that are open temporarily and close out, when the Phases and Content are played through. This process repeats, over and over, again.
What happens to these characters that progress on these Seasonal Servers? Is available for discussion.
There are some (not all) that want NEW Servers to “refresh”, so there’s no max leveled characters, an established economy, faction imbalances, etc., but those servers remain and do NOT “reset”.
This is why I was confused because “fresh” is being used for BOTH NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers
EDIT: Now, I have a clear and better understanding that there’s TWO different “fresh” Groups. One is for NEW Servers, and the other is for Seasonal
Correct. But, the “fresh” Group that is for NEW Servers, is going to be highly disappointed, when they find out that the “fresh” Servers they’re on is actually a Seasonal Server.
Likewise, the “fresh” Group that is for Seasonal Servers, is going to be highly disappointed, when they find out that the “fresh” Servers they’re on aren’t actually “resetting”.
I think they are close enough where either one works for the type of player interested in a reset. I don’t see why you would need both. Not that it wouldn’t work.
Because NEW Server Players want to save their characters.
Unless, you’re telling me Seasonal Servers are the same? Which leads me to one of the Questions I posed about what happens to these Seasonal Server Characters? I don’t think they should be “saved”, personally. But, somebody who responded in my “What is ‘Fresh’” thread, compromised with a real life payment, in order to save that progress to just dump on the stagnated servers.
'Cause NEW Server players don’t want their NEW Servers to “reset”. Unlike the Seasonal ones. IDK, for me, I HAVE to separate it out, like that, in order for it to make sense. NEW Servers are not the same as the Seasonal Servers, they’re just not
EDIT: Which is why IK for a FACT that Seasonal Servers are going to happen! So, those who are NEW Server advocates, need to come up with a better explanation as to why NEW Servers make sense 'cause they’re not going to be happy with the Seasonal Server option. In talking with ANYONE in favor of “fresh”, they ALWAYS made that distinction CLEAR that NEW Servers are NOT the same as Seasonal Servers, and I believe them.
I think the simple solution is that once your seasonal character resets, you can transfer it to a progression server or a classic era (non-seasonal).
The last part is a bit tricky. Can you play them on the next refresh after a certain amount of time? Sure, but your gear can’t be equipped until you reach a certain point in progression. Either that or just go with other two above.
Edit: and of course, you can’t even play on these old characters until phase 2…or ever depending on what the community prefers. IMO…never allow old season cahracter
new servers have always been DOA. if you look at servers that were “fresh servers” in retail over the years. almost all of them are dead. if people want to waste time redoing vanilla 3572974892347234 times for the rest of their lives that’s their business. fresh as in fresh static servers have proven all along (even in classic, currently) that they will die and everyone will just have to spend money to transfer to more populated older servers.
most of them are dead except stuff like moonguard and thrall. but they fit specific niches. MG is the ally rp server. and thrall the horde pve server.
you can also see from that that there have been NO new servers at all since feb 2009. which was when ulduar was added, in WRATH. and retail has consistently had many times the population that classic has ever had.
edit: ulduar was in april but i used that as a reference point for anyone reading. lol
Yes, there was. Only I can express what’s confusing to me. Not you nor anybody else.
There is no “strawman”. You’re going to be vastly disappointed, when your “fresh” server (via NEW Server) is a “Seasonal” one. They’re NOT the same thing!
if you roll on a seasonal server you should 100% understand that everything will eventually wipe. making forever servers for this type of server is pretty redundant, if you ask me.
as for the new vs fresh stuff, from what i have read people asking for “new” servers are those who want brand new servers running tbc to launch alongside the release of tbc classic. everybody will start at 1, and move onto outland at 58/60.
those asking for “fresh” servers are people who just want classic again. that simple. as for the end of those servers, they don’t know. however, those asking for fresh just haven’t yet been told how good of an idea seasonal servers are for classic.
i just want seasonal, i could play classic forever.
I’m 100% for it! Though, I wouldn’t mind if Blizz offered a paid service, for those characters to be dumped onto the stagnated servers, if some (not all) of those folks really want their “bragging rights” (though, I don’t, personally, see what’s so “worthy” about leveling, progressing and saving your characters from said Seasonal Servers, but I digress)
What I visualize is players dumping their Seasonal Server Characters onto the already established Classic Era Type of Servers. For example, we’ll have a Classic Era Type of Server known as Classic. Blizz produces a Seasonal Server Classic. Players pay for their Seasonal Server Classic Characters to be saved and/or archived onto the Classic Era Type of Server (known as Classic), when the Seasonal Server Classic reaches its demise and “closes out”, after its duration is “over”. No new Servers will be created in order to archive said Seasonal Server Classic. Does that make sense?
Right, and I get that. I wasn’t against a “fresh” BC Server. Not because I want everybody’s gold to be wiped, but I just view BC and Classic as two different games. I wasn’t pushing hard for “fresh” BC, either. Because I actually go around and TALK to people interested in BC.
And, SHOCKER (), but there’s A LOT of players more interested in taking their already progressed characters into BC than there are in favor for “fresh” BC. Even Blizz supports this, during their Round Table. Here is a Time-Stamped Video, that will take you DIRECTLY to where they said so:
THOSE players are Blizz’s MAIN priority and focus to cater to over anyone else! THEIR words, NOT mine! I already knew (from my own research), that there weren’t a lot in favor for “fresh” BC, to begin with. The pro-progressed characters in BC had a good and logical explanation, as well. When BC came out, not EVERYONE began their BC journey, at Level 1.
The only concept that is “new” that a lot of us seem to agree on is the Level 58 Boost. That wasn’t a thing in BC, and it shouldn’t be, now. Alas, here we are
There are some (not all) wanting to FORCE a “fresh” BC, onto those that want to bring their progression with them. Talks about “wiping gold” in order to create a “healthy game” (all that wonderful stuff, still up for debate), whatever that means
There are some (not all) that want a “fresh” BC than a Progressed BC, and that’s OK, too. The thing is, however “fresh” anything is just not on Blizz’s radar, to deal with immediately. I have that proof, right here, with yet, another Time-Stamped video:
I think there’s a reason as to why they’re not doing “fresh” BC, and I think it’s because there’s not actually a lot interested in it. And, Blizz is not going to create something, if there’s not a lot interested. Seems very simple, to me. What I will say, though, I think there’s a lot more in favor for Seasonal Servers than there are for NEW Servers. And, Seasonal Servers makes sense.
Plus, with the suggestion of charging to saved Seasonal Server Characters…I can definitely see it
With the Level 58 Boost feature, it is still possible for “fresh” NEW Servers to happen, even with this feature enabled. I want to be very CLEAR that a “fresh” Server is still “fresh” even with a Level 58 Boost. So, the request for “fresh” (that I’m noticing) is a call for “fresh” while DISABLING the Level 58 Boost feature.
No, those in favor for “fresh” NEW Servers (especially Classic) is to have a “clean slate server” that doesn’t have an established economy, faction imbalances, other players already in BiS Gear, etc. It’s
They do. They want Blizz to (constantly) make “fresh” NEW Servers, over and over, again and NEVER deleting the “old” “fresh” NEW Servers, that were made prior because they (the ones in favor for “fresh” NEW Servers) want the “old” Servers as an archive and dump site, of their progression.
They have and aren’t in favor for it because of:
My compromise for “fresh” OVERALL is to have Seasonal Servers and a Paid Service to archive/dump your Seasonal Server Characters onto the appropriate Classic Era Type Server it belongs to. Instead of wasting Blizz’s time, constantly creating “fresh” NEW Servers, over and over, again.
While I understand the appeal of Seasonal, Blizz is offering and said (on record) they will have Perma Classic Servers, so you CAN play Classic “forever”. But, I get it. The ONLY way to play through the phases, over and over, again, is for it to be Seasonal