NEW Servers vs Seasonal Servers

I created a thread like this on the Classic Forums:

But, I wanted to bring this conversation over here, onto the BC Forums.

With all this discussion about “fresh”, it’s important to note that there’s two different groups utilizing the “fresh” term. One is in favor for NEW Servers, and the other is in favor for Seasonal Servers. What’s the difference between the two?

NEW Servers
NEW Servers are created in anticipation for a “clean slate”. As in the economy is not yet established, factions are not “imbalanced” (yet), Cheaters (such as Bots and Gold Buyers) haven’t been established nor nested (yet) with their infection, etc. These Servers are NEVER wiped. When the established economy is set in stone, factions become imbalanced, Cheaters impacting everybody around them, the call for NEW Servers arises once more. This cycle repeats over and over, again. Including, a call for “fresh” NEW Servers going into other expansions. Where transferring into any NEW Server type is disabled.

Seasonal Servers
Seasonal Servers are servers set on a timer, in order to repeat the process of plowing through not only Phases but expansions, as well via Classic into BC. Once these Servers reach their end, they will close out, and everybody’s progress such as titles, mounts, characters, etc., are wiped away clean. And, this process begins, again. If one is interested in archiving and/or saving their progressed seasonal characters, can be up for discussion. My vote is for a Paid Service, but I digress.

With all that being said, hopefully we can come together and reach some sort of compromise, that will benefit us all. My only worry about the NEW Server concept is its impact on Perma Servers (whether it be Classic and/or BC, doesn’t really matter). Splitting up the respective communities of certain Perma Server style which calls for Blizz to begin merging. With Blizz’s history of not even Merging Servers but rather input a Connected Realm Feature, instead, these Perma Servers will lose their Server Identities. I’ve spoken about this subject, as well:
I write these posts, as a plead for us all.

You’re the only person talking about seasonal servers.

Hope this clears things up for you.


I haven’t heard anything on new servers outside of the people wanting it on the forums. Blizzard has only asked about it in their surveys for a possibility for classic in the future and they haven’t said how it will work out yet.

Beyond that there isn’t anything else to be said. Until blizzard gives us more information we can talk until our post count reaches 10K but it won’t change anything. Blizzard is the one that makes the decision not us.

No, I’m not actually:

No, you really haven’t.

Influenced by us, yes.

This is the TBC forum. Different crowd.

I also have to agree with that. Not sure what the New vs seasonal discussion has to do here right now when new servers was shut down for TBC at blizcon. If any of this does happen it would be for classic, not TBC and when it does happen for TBC it would be years from now.

There are those that want Seasonal BC, as well. Don’t assume everybody in favor for BC all want the same thing. There’s a reason why some (not all) aren’t getting their NEW Servers, that they wanted. Because the majority in favor of BC wanted progression. Not to mention some (not all) wanting a stale Perma BC Server. Don’t assume everyone who likes BC wants the same things. That’s a HUGE mistake on your part.

Agreed which is probably what they referenced during their Q&A.

Not assuming that at all. That said, there are a lot of people asking for new servers and then there’s you asking for seasonal servers, even though you’ve said you’re not interested in either.

I still think it is to early to talk about seasonal servers for TBC because 1), TBC isn’t out yet and 2) would seasonal TBC servers just be TBC only or would they progress from seasonal classic servers? These are details you have to work out and why I think that classic has to come first to be the model to move forward before we think about TBC and wrath seasonal servers. See how people think about that before they debate about progressing form those or just having stand alone seasonal servers.

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I understand that. IK there’s a difference between NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers. IK there some (not all) requesting for NEW Servers. IK most (not all) prefer Progression over “fresh”. I was around during the discussion of transitioning into BC from Classic and talked with ANYONE even remotely interested in BC whether it was for NEW Servers, Progressed Servers, Insta Boosted Characters to play straight into Outlands, etc. A LOT were asking for Progression.

As a comprise, so the NEW Servers don’t impact the Perma Servers.

Correct. Doesn’t mean I can’t come up with solutions.

Disagree. It’s never “too early” to talk about anything.

All the more reasons to talk about them, now :woman_shrugging:

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