New Player Friendly Guilds Check In Here!

Sounds good brother!

Im looking to join a Guild , just saw this post , i have shadowlands and both a priest and hunter and am just trying to learn more about the game with other supportive players !

Guild Name: Elements
Faction: Alliance
Realms: Aggramar and Fizzcrank
Primary Focus: We don’t really have one, but mostly PvE. We are a pretty casual guild that’s very small, tight-knit and has been around for about 15 years.

Recruiting Officer: Best to contact Sarabande or Allemande.

We have a very mixed playerbase. Some do pretty challenging content but may keep their alts with us. Some just play casually. Some are hopeless Altoholics. :slight_smile: The thing we seem to do the most together are max-level dungeon runs and occasional transmog runs. We’re pretty chill, mostly just like to hang out while we do our own thing (like questing, dailies, etc).

I am a guide in Newcomer chat on four toons (though I usually just play this one, and sometimes herb on my Warlock) and have been answering questions in General chat and Guild chat for many years.

We often suggest resources (various websites or video creators) that can help with certain questions as well. We do NOT offer free gold, power leveling or lowbie dungeon runs. We expect people to actually PLAY their characters. Because I mean, isn’t that why people play the game anyway?

We generally do not recruit. I like my guild small. But we welcome any player that seems like they seem like they would enjoy the above described guild. If you are interested, please let me know that you saw my post here when you whisper me.

Guild & Server: :fleur_de_lis: The Dingus Brigade :large_blue_diamond: Greymane-Tanaris
Type of Guild: :crazy_face: Social/ :beers: Casual/ :gem: Collection/ :medal_sports: Achievement/ :fire: Legacy Content / :key: Casual-Be-Nice-Keys

Recruitment Contacts: :church: Sun, Tues, & Th- Kirrin#1313(discord), :woman_mage: shauna.j#9884 (discord)

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :handshake: Respect for how others want to play the game, patience, communication.
:heartpulse: :taco: #souls.NOT.slots, sense of humor, family, food, and animal lovers
:scream_cat: :no_entry_sign::jeans: The ability to play without pants.

About Us: We are service orientated, independent. We want to get to know you, and that takes time. Many of us are introverts, but we appreciate having balance of people who love people. and positive energy. Most of us are older, and most, if not all, prefer animals over people.

**the falling in love with wow linked post is a great read <3

With the help of Cyndi Lauper, we’re an adult-casual-small-guild that’s not afraid of a lil color in our lives <3

You there so down
Don’t be discouraged
Oh I can’t help but frown.
It’s hard being ordinary
in a world full of gamers
You can lose sight of it all
and the darkness inside of you
can make you feel so small.

But you see we’re true casual,
just average dudes-
that’s why we’re true casual,
and that’s why we want you.
So don’t be afraid, to let yourself show
your true colors.
True colors, are beautiful
like a rainbow.

No expectations
Quiet or chatty
Can’t remember when
We last heard you laughing
If pugging makes you crazy
and you’ve taken all you can bear
Hang out with us
at least in Discord we’re there.

Because we’re super casual
average dudes.
We are grown and don’t care
and don’t need to impress you.
We teach when we can- to help us all grow
We’re a mixed bag….
A mixed bag of nuts…
Adoring tacos.

Raiding and mythics make you crazy
and LFR pulls out your hair
You can witch to us,
Because you know we’ve been there.

And we’ll show our true colors
shining through.
With no obligations
And that’s why we want you.
Even if your game is solo.
we’re true casual.
True casual
True casual just playing through.
We want those true casuals
that just do what they want to.
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
We don’t mind growing slow.

UNO Other
DOS Recruitment
TRES Posts

:email: QUATRO message Kirrin#1940 for questions or to chat (Tues-Thurs-Sundays!)
:partying_face: CINCO CINCO guildsofwow dot com slash the-dingus-brigade
:globe_with_meridians: SEIS most online members for ginvite

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im looking for a guild that would help me if i needed help also to do dungeons or just have fun :slight_smile:

Guild Name: WoW Ubers
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Garrosh
Primary Focus: idk just do what u want
we just need members we pretty chill tbh we can do dungeons and stuff
my wow username is McUberz

Guild Name: theAwesome

Faction: Horde

Realm: Thrall

Primary Focus: Casual, friendly and fun. We do a little bit of everything. Some push keys, some PvP and we’re also working towards getting some guild SoD runs in. We have plenty that mog farm/mount & pet hunt and work on achievements.
(Mature language used quite a bit.)

Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Usually anyone on. If you apply in the Guild Finder, any member can accept.

If you have any questions you can contact me in game on my priest main Nickael (alts: Monkael, Shamkael, Destructive, Omgwtfhappen, Kaelmeow, Narcissis or this toon). Feel free to send me an in game mail if you don’t see me online!

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Guild: Hello Kitty Adventure
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Akama
Primary Focus: Leveling and social, PVE
Recruiting Officer: Swervinirvin

Newly Formed and looking for some cool cats to level up alts, hang out in disc, and have fun with! Definitely looking for some PVE content down the line, and looking to take in all levels, classes, specs, and skill sets! Come hang out with us!

Guild Name: Fallout
Faction: Horde
Realm: Turalyon
Primary Focus: PvE and raiding
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Sieg#1546

We’re a friendly older group of gamers who don’t mind teaching new comers how to raid. We hang out in discord a lot while playing too.
: ) Welcome to Azeroth!

keep up the good work

Guild Name: Midgard

Faction: Horde

Realm: Hyjal US

Primary Focus: (PvE, PvP, RP, etc.) Casual PVE

Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Ebenwolf, Charmain, Paulon

Eben’s Contact:

Wildhunt#1445 Battletag
Wildhunt#0213 Discord

We’re a small guild of mostly older players who want to provide the following:

Frustration free guild groups
Help and assistance when needed
A clique or favoritism free roster
Nice people gaming with nice people

We use discord for our social hub and event planning so it is required. However voice is not necessary if you’re not inclined. No pressure.

Guild Name: Pieces of Eight
Faction: Horde
Realm: Perenolde (Cairne and Frostmane cross-realm)
Primary Focus: Leveling, Achievements, Social
Recruiting Officer or Best Contact for your guild: Astrael or Aylaren

A handful of original members have recently returned to the game and we’ve opened up recruitment to rebuild. If you’re looking for company while you level alts, or are returning from hiatus and aren’t sure where to start, we’d love to have ya!

As a guild, we are focused on maximizing the playing experience and the social environment. You can usually find us farming achievements from old content, helping each other out with world quests, or just hanging out in Discord.

I am a fresh on the grass player. Never played before and have always wanted to but haven’t had the means or the time until now. I just finished the beginning tutorial and I feel as if there is still so much to learn. I need someone to take me under their wing.

seeing as I am new and an achievement hunter I would be very interested in joining your guild and you can do a lot of original old quests with me lol. Seriously tho I don’t know anything about this game other than what I learn while playing so I am in desperate need of guidance.

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Hi there, I am a level 20 Night Elf Hunter, and I am looking for a guild that enjoys raiding and doing dungeons together, I am hoping to better myself and upgrade my gear!

Hi All I was encourged by a GM to post what i’m creating here

I am setting up a ingame community and a discord server for newcomers/guides

The goal is to better assist newer or returning or disabled players, and to also offer events and activity’s such as mount farming help, mythic+ and gearing, lessons and more!

If this interests you please add me on discord so I can get you invited in!


Hi is there any way I can get added? I’m willing to transfer characters anywhere. Level 60 warrior and level 60 mage, also would consider leveling a diff character fresh on your server. Thanks!

Shouldn’t you be listing classic or retail?

Guild Name: The Noble Few
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Stormrage
Primary Focus: PvE
Recruiting Officer: Six#7019 on Discord

We’re a tight-knit guild focused on creating a positive environment to help new players improve. Our goals are to reach Ahead-of-the-Curve each raid tier, but with a top priority on helping players grow and gain a better understanding of the game. Every player gets their start somewhere, and we hope to help new folks learn the game in a friendly and wholesome community.

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Hello! Are you still looking for a guild? We’d be happy to have you!