🍹 If you like pina coladas- and have half a brain [A]

I was tired of the raiding, it was a job for too long.
Like a worn-out recording, of a favorite song.
Since it stops being much fun, I read the forums in bed.
And in the recruiting column, there was this posting I read -

“If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
If you’re not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
We’re the love that you’ve looked for, join our guild , and escape”

They didn’t think about their guildies, I know that sounds kind of mean.
Players of BFA, had fallen into the same old dull routine.
So most left to play classic, and we’re no longer comrades.
and though I am no officer, I place these want ads.

"Yes, we like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
We’re not much into health food, but the beer / whiskey domain.
It’s just gotten so damn quiet here, casuals don’t be afraid.
you know you’re likely a dingus, just haven’t joined the brigade.

So we waited with high hopes, for new folk to connect.
Ones with patience and love, so we don’t feel so wrecked.
It’s our own crazy doing, with no focus but fun.
We are always rebuilding, but we’re sure as sugar not done.

Since we like pina coladas, and making toons of all kinds.
All kinds of things, we can plan them, once we fill our baseline.
If you like killing ragnaros dead, or the horde in warmode
We’re the love that you’ve looked for, come join our abode.

guildsofwow dot com / the-dingus-brigade

:beers: The Dingus Brigade :beers:


I both like Pina colada’s, and have half a brain. And also am looking for a guild!


If you are a quester, come in.
If you are a quester, a maker, a killer,
a key-er, a helper, a pet and mog collector
Alliance or Horde come sit by my fire
for we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

:dizzy: ~~~~~~~~~~~ :dizzy: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :dizzy: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :dizzy:
With inspiration from Shel Silverstein, The Dingus Brigade seeks a few more family members to share a warm welcome and hearth. Service orientated, we have no game driven goals. Our goals revolve around family and respect. Quietly seeking a few keyers to fill our groups.

:dizzy: ~~~~~~~~~~~ :dizzy: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :dizzy: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :dizzy:

You may search in the forums for the following recruitment threads:

  • Introverts Helping Introverts
  • #tinybutmighty

As our Horde side awakens, they too want some family to love on, pull on, and help others as needed. All our alliance standards apply, and we support a blizzard community channel to help fill the lonely gaps. People to share their lives in a game we love, when we do learn to find our voice. Alliance lives still matter, but right now- Lok’tar Ogar, For the HORDE! We welcome all who think they may fit- on any side. <3

contact via

alliance - greymane-tanaris - Recruiting for HORDE!

:white_heart:~~~~~~~~~~~ :white_heart:~~~~~~~~~~~~ :white_heart:~~~~~~~~~~~~ :white_heart:


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Bumping because Lusty is such a cool human! :heart:

Gnome! Gnome! go gnome or go home! much more down to earth… or … in the gutter… than humans :slight_smile:

and… I thought forums were … broken… on patch/maintenance days. Do bee doo be doo!
Forum bump shenanagans!

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Great group of people!


Shadowlands rebuild!!

The Dingus Brigade is a small, casual, laid back guild.
We are service orientated, independent, and really only have one rule-
Everyone plays the game how they need to play it.
If we can help, we will - it’s not always right away though.
We want to get to know you, and that takes time.

Many of us are introverts, veterans, and retired GMs & Officers, but we appreciate having balance of people who love people. If you want progression- we’re not there, but when we get there- it’ll be with those we care about. If you get excited and can’t wait- that’s ok too.

If you need patience, we’re here for you. We are human. Most of us are older, and most, if not all, prefer animals over people.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We’ll never recruit for numbers or for slots- this does have it’s challenges, but the gems we find are worth it. Thanks for taking the time to look this over (and poking around our other posts, too, if you got this far and were still interested.)

guildsofwow dot com / the-dingus-brigade
alliance - greymane-tanaris

Tired of running with scrubs?
Wish you could raid with the Elite?
Want to get geared for free and have a guaranteed raiding spot each week?
Well, that’s not us, but we are recruiting anyway!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ borrowed with love from Marcthebeard

I heard the guild needs more paladins.

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are druids witch approved?!

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Noodle, here… preparing for doodle, I mean duty! :stuck_out_tongue:

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With a little help from Prince and the New Power Generation.

All haters and we’ll watch them fall
If you stand in the way of love
we will frown and bawl.
With our intellects, we do not scare.
No guild or friends in Azeroth
Will ever compare

We are yours now and there is no mine
And together we’ll love through
All space and time, so don’t cry
One day all content will die

Not right for you? we will not dwell
Gotta play what’s right for you
then just not at all
With our introverts and some mog with flair
No goals in common for us
Cat hearders beware!

We are yours now and there is no mine
And together we’ll love through
All space and time, so don’t cry
One day all content will die

And I saw an angel come down unto me
In her hand she holds the very key
Words of compassion, words of peace
And in the distance an raiders’s marching feet
But behold, we will watch them fall

And we lay down on the sand of the sea
And before us animosity will stand and decree
That we speak not of love only blasphemy
And in the distance, 6 others will curse me
But that’s alright, (that’s alright)
For we will watch them fall

All haters and we’ll watch them fall
If you stand in the way of love
we will frown and bawl.
With our intellects, we do not scare.
No guild or friends in azeroth
Will ever compare

We are yours now and there is no mine
And together we’ll love through
All space and time, so don’t cry
One day all content will die

And we will see a warlock and a paladin
and every baby soul that she’ll want to eat.
Their crying tears, but do not fear
She’s got persistance, and he has power
We will all still be here - love will vanquish all.

We are known- for pulling all the things
We don’t wear pants, and deal with what life brings
With no expectations and a safe space for all
We like animals more than most the people.
And laughing.
Laughing while we watch us fall.

All haters and we’ll watch them fall
If you stand in the way of love
we will frown and bawl.
With our intellects, we do not scare.
No guild or friends in azeroth
Will ever compare

We are yours now and there is no mine
And together we’ll love through
All space and time, so don’t cry
One day all content will die

alliance - greymane-tanaris
message Kiriin#1940 for questions or
most online members for ginvite.

More posts!

guildsofwow dot com fwdslash the-dingus-brigade

Looking to make the change back to ally and want to try a new class (shaman). Do you all do low level keys and normal raids? Would love to check you all out for sure!