Necrolord WW is so broken man

" that happened once. I even mentioned I got out played that time.
while you did it twice "

I did it once in our warmup and i admit to it, that was poor play on my end. It never happened to me after that and you know its true considering you complained about dying in every sweep. Our duels never hit 3 sweep length.

" casting viv at 100%. "

Yes it did, did me a huge favor too, let me get 2 casts off and got me to save a defensive for ur next go but I didnt need to even use it.

" as I figured "

Case and point, you FIGURED which is another way of saying ASSUMED. You made the assumption that I had less gear which is why you were so thirsty to challenge me. The topic of gear in shadowlands is irrelevant in this conversation. You made the assumption and it backfired and you got pissy about it. You got outplayed and its as simple as that. Im not using domination sockets or any BS that trill runs. Nobodys gonna give you any sympathy points because you had a bit less gear then me. You talked trash and you made the challenge. If you are such a god like you claim to be then you should have won.

I said i would die in sweep. never once said died in every sweep

you were going to end up being equal geared, not 12 ilvls over me.

you had to go change talents after the first win, I just stuck with what I had on because I didn’t care all that much.

said i would die in sweep. never once said died in every sweep

Considering two sweeps was the longest our duels have gone and we would always trinket one and you lost them all after the first one then its safe to say you never parried a single one of my sweeps after that which i know is a fact. I still had karma and battlemaster for your second sweep if you didnt get parried.

you were going to end up being equal geared, not 12 ilvls over me.

Nah you were hoping I was lesser geared, nobodys buying your BS.

you had to go change talents after the first win, I just stuck with what I had on because I didn’t care all that much.

I was running 1 bad talent and I didn’t even swap it out because there was no rested area there so i said fk it. Another excuse eh, its a new one though. Now the excuse is that you didn’t care too much.

notice these posts about gear and asking about WoD gear, yeah I don’t like gear advantages.

Yeah again I could care less about your feelings on shadowlands gearing. Better gear won’t cover your poor gameplay. Deal with the reality which is the current gearing system and the fact that you got demolished in our duels that you issued the challenge for.

Hey, how did you manage a 47% W/L at 1400mmr on a Ret Paladin? Or I guess a better question would be, how are you only at 1400 after 130 games played on a Ret Paladin?

People in glass houses…

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Its a low geared toon and i was queing with fresh 60s for conquest, also its an alt who i havent played since the second week of 9.1? Nice try though kiddo. Imagine inspecting all my characters to find the one dead alt with a bad record. Touch grass

Some Resto Druid hit 1800 at 224 ilvl, haven’t you heard?

Wellp im not some resto druid and I’m not that good on ret anyways. But im not here talking about how I’m deleting everything on ret and how successful I was doing on my ret in arena. I only brought up his ratings to counter what he was saying about how hes deleting everyone in arenas because hes so overpowered.

Have you SEEN his xmog? You think anyone wants a roundhouse to the face while Bulk is wearing that bad boy? I think not, my friend.

I did it’s called canceling my sub.
hence why I stopped keeping up with gear.
but its ok, when they finally nerf WW dmg (hint they do it everytime monk is this stupid) you’ll drop down back to your 1600 experience.

Happens every time a monk is uber, I just hope they give us fof stun when they bring the dmg down

Urs are bad tho and ww is overtuned

Cancelled the sub yet still appeared yesterday to lose. If they nerf damage then your just gonna drop to 1400 and not climb considering how god awful you are. Happens to you everytime doesnt it. L

Whats it like to play 1100 games in 3s and still not hit 2100? Takes a really special kind of bad player for that doesn’t it. Also monk isnt overtuned, you are just bad.

Ive hit 2100 a few times as unholy dk… You’ve hit it once in ur whole life in 2v2 and so ur here to say windwalker is totally fine and everyone who disagrees is bad lol. I’m higher than u in 2s as the worst class in the game and ur trying to rating shame?

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Imagine playing rated pvp for 10 years more then somebody and 2100 is what you have to show for it. I’ve tried for 2100 twice in my whole life and got it probably 5 years before you did. You played 1100 games and your rating in 3s is under 2100. Thats pathetic and sad especially for a class like DK. Worst class in the game hahahaha, sorry buddy your just the worst player in the game.

So anyway nerf windwalker burst yup

No point arguing with this mouthbreather

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Nice mental gymnastics you went through to spew those lies. More like you play 1100+ games every season trying desperately to reach those ratings that you will never quite reach. Nice try tho, also I see plenty of unholy DKS who are actually good and dont cry like you do. Guess thats the difference between a good and bad dk.

Got arena master and now cant hit 2100 in 1100 games, talk about washed. Please go spout those old achievements into the retirement home old man. Tell the nurses about your old titles while their changing your diaper.

Yeah they havent nerfed it and will not nerf it, gitgud scrub. Your beneath me, arguing with someone who cant hit 2100 in 1100 games just makes me look bad. Stay small.

He is out here slaughtering them every time I check fourms. Jeez bro u don’t have to do 'em like that

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Big shots coming from someone who’s never sniffed 2200 and is afraid to post from their main - who happens to be a WW that’s barely managed to scrape 2100 in 2s this season btw.

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