Necrolord WW is so broken man

90% of comps past 2100 are just NL WW teams that one shot you with cds/bonedust. As a healer I’m just about to quit this season because this is one of the miserable things to heal into (outside of jungle). Absolutely disgustingly broken even in a 3v3 environment


Just play with two necro ww monks then

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yah im very scared of ww’s when im healing.

Kyrian Rogue is so broken they just oneshot me in every stunlock with their cds/echoing.

As a DPS I am just about to quit this season


As a person who owns a pool I am just about to quit this season and go outside instead.

edit: I did it


knowing blizzard, toads are going to get nerfed on tuesday reset because of rextroy while ww’s continue to oneshot while denying that their class is overtuned in any form


:laughing: excellent! :laughing:

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Yup yup pvp in this joke is actually such a meme lol rip to anyone who takes it seriously

We arent op. Youre just bad at the game.

I have played with Kitelfyer. Your statement is pretty silly considering that a lot of classes are OP in this expansion where PVP dynamics were never really all that well thought out.

It’s just a class man, it’s not you as a person. Relax :slight_smile:


I ate a 26k touch of death today. Which is more than 50% of my health.

Does anyone else wanna tell him or should I?


Do. I don’t know if that’s normal.

You have to be under 10% health for them to use touch of death. Unless you immune it, it’s a guaranteed kill.

The amount of damage it did is a moot point


I think it’s 15% but otherwise you’re right. Stay above the threshold and you don’t get ToD.

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Is it 15%? I just regard anything under 90% health as “I can die at any time for no reason” territory nowadays


The monk died too so I guess there’s always a positive side.

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Remember when touch of death would one shot a warrior if they intervened it.

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Happened to me like 2 days ago

God damn hero for that

What is broken about them? I’m not seeing any issues with them currently.

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