Necrolord WW is so broken man

h ttps://

Since you’re a coward


I got you with the link.

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Look at all these bad mad players fanboying me. I love the fact that yall took time out of your life to search me up, living rent free in your heads. Get a hobby kids =)

Your previous post, to someone else:

Keep hiding behind that alt. Telling people to “stay small” when you’ve never broken 2.2 in any bracket? Someone needed that tell you to sit the f*&k down, and I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.


I can’t wait until I hit my first 2100 in 2’s, so I can tell multi-glads and people who’ve been as high as I have numerous times that they suck at the game. xD Cringe.


Under 1800 is talking back to daddy XD. Anyways this will be my last post here, I never triggered so many weebs before but thanks for the fun boys and as always, stay small, irrelevant and keep those tears flowing.

Yup hes a coward

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It’s too bad it will be your last post. You’d be really mad when I pointed out I got higher than you’ve ever been on multiple toons my first season doing PVP, and this toon is 2 weeks old on a class I never played before and is already as high as you’d ever been prior to maining a class that had a one shot bug for several weeks, otherwise. xD

But the sad part is you’re trash talking a guy who has generously spent hours of his time over the past few weeks, including getting his friends to run wargames to help myself and several other learning players with things like positioning, etc. He’s honestly a top notch human being, and you’re some cringey egomaniac who will be shockingly absent around here once WW takes a hit and you’re back to being a 1600 player.

God speed, sir.


if unholy dk ever starts 1 shotting people pls God don’t let me act like this guy


That’s how it works tho. 1600 player stumbles onto an OP class after years of “not trying”, hits 2100 or glad because they suddenly just “got good”, then blizz nerfs the class and they go back to 1600 and either reroll to fotm or become that guy from high school talking about the good ol days while saying they are glad xp on lfg.

Its called the Murrk effect

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Murrk can’t even break 1800 with a broken class and the other team DC’ing half way through a match.


lmao this guy is funny af

That’s why I was 2300+ last season too? You said yourself monk wasn’t S tier last season right?