9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

Nope, it is actually Ion´s fancy.


27k views 640+ likes, 1000+ responses, nothing from blizzard. they’ve got their blindfolds on for this one lmao.


Bold of you to assume anything will change … like ever.

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Of course SOMETHING will change

Maybe I should rephrase and say “Bold of you to assume things will get better”.

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I mean they went 2 xpacs ignoring the last gear thread we had. Too bad Ven didn’t bother to mention we don’t like rating on gear too.

Hope you are looking forward to 11.0 when they remove rating, if they make it that far.

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Right lol. I really just meant any kind of change. Things definitely changed from bfa.

I can’t help but agree with the sentiment others put forth that this feels like engagement metrics and not fun metrics. Because we are clearly not enjoying the state of pvp.

The changes this patch were great for the most part, a lot of new interesting and fun abilities were added. But the gear side of thing, kills it for many players.

Two tiers of gear is fine. Anything more then that is an attempt to squeeze play time out of players which has never worked.


They disrespect players time and our loyalty.


What else is it going to take for us as players to finally say enough is enough!? Clearly a large majority is very dissatisfied with all these dumb changes being made and the way the game is now. Why the piss don’t we do something about it!? Maybe not play for one day or a week or something. I dont know if that will matter much but it will be a step in the right direction for companies likes Blizzard to get their head out of their a$$ and realize they are making games for people to ENJOY and not make games to make money with little as much effort as possible.


1000 posts later and still no dev post, nice :smiley:


BUMP, plz take this filthy gearing system out of the game.


We’re a meme to blizzard, truly shameful.


BUMP quit ignoring your players


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We Need Change… Blizzard Has No Idea What They Are Doing - Shadowlands 9.1 - YouTube


The amount of disrespect from activisionblizzard is astonishing.

I hope this thing with Asmon really ends up hurting blizzs sub numbers, maybe they will get their heads out of dirty places and finally communicate with their playerbase again.


As a filthy casual and altoholic I loved the WoD pvp gearing system.

I have not been enjoying shadowlands pvp gearing at all. The rating gated gear and large overall ilvl gap is sucking the fun out of the game for me. That and renown/weekly choregast make wow a full time job for people with alts.

Bgs and arena have never felt like a rpg. Why try and make pvp a grind too?


27.6k views and over 1k comments and not a single bluepost on the thread. the blizzard we knew is dead. until people start using their wallet to make them understand there will be no change. this recent exodus to FF14 and a couple promosing MMOs on the horizon they may finally understand but it will prob be too late.

When new MMOs were announced and labeled the “WoW Killer” and some would say no game can kill wow only wow can kill wow. i always thought it would be a new next gen mmo that was super immersive and had tons of depth that would land the deathblow to wow but to my surprise they are just about to bury themselves


It’s going to take players banding together and unsubbing. Essentially we need a players union, if that could ever be done.

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