Necrolord WW is so broken man

“I remember a time”

Someone should tell him that its not 2016 anymore and SEF is a dps cooldown.

you’re right, I did honestly because I thought you were like a rival geared monk not full s2 duelist.

But it’s ok you can believe what you want and I’ll laugh as you won’t be able to repeat your success once it’s nerfed

not a cd that required trinket for, never was

Just take the L and move on already. You made the challenge on assumptions and got put in your place. Be a man about it and move on, you made a thousand excuses in chat and then posted excuses on the forums.

“not a cd that required trinket for, never was”

When paired with keef which gives you a 50% crit increase and bonedust brew which replicates damage then yes it is something you trinket. Alone it isn’t but you are completely ignoring the modifiers. Also doesnt help that your sweeps get parried.

oh im not ignoring it, you are just proving the point of this thread.

Monk’s don’t need the incredible stupidity that is the SCK conduit and dance together.

but talking about ignoring but act like 7k health in a duel isn’t a huge difference, you have some weird double standards man

The most ironic part of it is that I think spinning only procs for me in one of our duels. Also i got no value from the conduit because I only hit one unique target which is you. Spinning literally had nothing to do with why you lost. Your piss poor gameplay did.

You had 49k hp and made the challenge on an assumption that the person was less geared then you. When are you gonna drop the excuses?

your head<

you kept saying this whole time monk’s dmg isn’t broken and they need that SCK dmg

“you kept saying this whole time monk’s dmg isn’t broken and they need that SCK dmg”

Your a squishy class with no defensives used in a 5 second stun window? Any class would kill you. SCK had nothing to do with wins or losses in the duels. I got like one proc and you got maybe two and thats it. You keep crying about damage but wont address the sweep getting parried or casting viv at 100% or not trinking the big cds.

not without using major cds no they won’t, minor offensive cds from other classes don’t kill someone in a stun with fleshcraft also up

monk’s are able to do this without keefer’s too, I have landed plenty of kills on people without even using BDB.
The point is their dmg is insane

I used major cds? I used my keef and alpha tiger along with bonedust and clones? You keep thinking those aren’t big cds when in reality the only other thing i could have popped is xuen which is another big cd but not worth the global in that situation. Those cooldowns i mentioned are equivalent to a combustion or wings. Also you did not have fleshcraft up, you trinked the sweep then ran away and fleshed.

Yes i have also landed kills on random people in bgs without the use of keef or bonedust. Are monks supposed to do zero damage? You talk a big game about how your killing everyone but your ratings and duels say otherwise.

not without using the major cds.

was suppose to replace what ToD was in legion-bfa, that was the cd you saved trinket for.

the one and only time monk had one shot ability before this was strike serenity combo early legion, it didn’t last long.

so i trinketed or didn’t?

like i sat trinket because FC was still full when you stunned, so it’s ok to go through that much?

Alright im gonna stop talking about SEF because in your mind the 4 abilities i mentioned are not major cds.

If xuen was our big and only cooldown then monks are screwed considering he is instant CCed/taunted. Nobody would dare waste a trinket on something they could hibernate/scare beast/ring etc. You seem to be stuck in 2016 not realizing that the class has gone through 5 years of changes. Newsflash, this isnt legion this is shadowlands. What you would do in legion against a certain ability does not necessarily apply anymore.
BTW we dont have a one shot, bonedust, sweep, palm, thats three globals just for the setup, Fists, rsk, wdp thats 3 globals for our dps burst window. 6 globals is not a 1 shot.

You didnt trinket the first set and died and the second duel you trinked and ran then fleshed. You know what you did so stop playing dumb.

because I had FC still up and the fact you break a full fc and 49k health before stun is even over is over the top.

and acting like 7k more health worth of gear isn’t a huge advantage, that means more health when you cast meaning less need to cast, that’s more dmg per hit, and larger FC, etc etc.

Partial flesh and yes, with the gear I have and the modifiers i used combined with being a very squishy class with low armor value and no defensive used then I absolutely have every right to kill you. A warrior or paladin with better armor values and flesh up wouldn’t die but thats the price you pay for being a vulnerable leather class. Your just lucky im not a ret, thats a 20k toll 22k Reckoning and 35k final verdict on you.

Again take the L and move on, you made the challenge on assumption that my gear was worse then yours and got schooled for it. You just look worse and worse with those excuses. The kid who challenged the other kid expected him to come to the fight in a wheelchair lol.

you were stunned then trinketed then stunned me into all that, at what point was it a partial?

no i figured it was equal not worse, but I forgot it was a new season I haven’t bothered playing in 3 weeks to even get a cap for that time

Full chi wave and windlord strike took at least 5k off your shield. Still a big shield but the point of squishy class with no defensive used stands.

“no i figured it was equal not worse, but I forgot I haven’t bothered playing in 3 weeks to even get a cap for that time”

Another excuse, haven’t bothered to play.

again my ability to play has nothing to do with not playing, but being behind in gear is the consequence for not playing. Meaning I am still talking about gear, like I know i could be typing this better but you can’t be that clueless of the context of not playing in a new season

Ok then dont go around challenging other people to fights and then using that as an excuse. Nobody challenged or forced you into anything, you talked trash then decided to be a big man and made the challenge then you couldn’t back it up so you fell back on the excuses of gear. You are talking like you were 210 or something. If you can’t back up your talk then dont challenge people. Simple. Also i literally have like 3 pieces of gear over you, and 2 of the pieces are just a belt and bracers with bad haste stats that i got from the vault.

had you posted on the monk I wouldn’t have bothered fighting someone 12 ilvls ahead of my gear lvl, I would have said let’s duel once i caught up.

everything I have gotten from the vault is crap stats, do you not see the amount of haste i have?

half my conduits are 200 ilvl and I dont even have the bone one very high

Had you not made assumptions you could have avoided all of this. Again you were banking on the fact of having more gear then me even though you got outplayed in every way shape and form aside from the first duel. Notice how you never once mentioned not using any defensives pre-sweep or casting viv at 100%. You brag alot about kiting cooldowns which is ez af on monk but don’t talk about me kiting yours out or disarming you before the fists so i can get my stuff off or using your sweep into my fist parry. Those aren’t gear issues, their gameplay issues.

no i wasn’t, as I figured my rival orc monk with more pieces of s2 gear cause he got luckier in vault for big pieces has off 220 and has the same health, so figured if you were rival geared my 226 from last season would equal out.
I dont like gear advantages, i am a wpvper I quit this stupid game because it’s like fighting a basket of puppies with people out in the world.

I don’t like gear advantages, half my posts lately has been bumping the big gear thread.
The other half is asking for wod gear

that happened once. I even mentioned I got out played that time.
while you did it twice

never once happened