Greetings! The Blackwater Company is happy to announce a Neutral RP event upon the Isle of Blackwake at the Rusty Nail Tavern on January 18th! We are enjoying the energy and the RP an event like this brings to get people out of the city and into cross faction RP!
WHO: Anyone on Moon Guard Alliance or Horde! This is a neutral event!
WHAT: A tavern night with business opportunities, drinks, and music!
WHEN: August 23rd 7-9pm RT
WHERE: The Isle of Blackwake (OOC Proxy Rustberg Village, Tol Barad)
Tavern hours are 7pm RT to 9pm RT, please contact myself, PersefanĂ, or Alonar if you have any questions!
Now we have a discord! https://discord.gg/egNAybfD56
We had a great time at the last one. Come on out for some laid back social RP. And don’t forget your elixir of tongues. Enjoy the awesome drinks and wonderful food. For those that even want to entertain themselves outside of fun drinking games, there is a sparring ring out back. Definitely a great opportunity to meet new people.
Tomorrow is the night everyone! Hope to see you there!
Just confirmed, we are gonna relocate our weekly “guild social” to the Rusty Nail this evening!
Awesome, we’ll be glad to have you!
Make sure to bring your tongues potions!
Have to anyway, it’s a Cross faction Guild!!! Wooo Hooo! /dance
Hey, hey, Moonguardians!
It’s your ole pal, Eddy P. And for all yous guys lookin for a great bar, peer no farther than the Rusty Nail. And if you only have time for a quick bite, the fried pickles are a must! You can’t go wrong with those little tasty nuggets.
EVEN BETTER: There’s coupons in the Privateer Press! Discounts, baby. A word all Goblins love. Only slightly less lovely than free. Unless we’re the sellers, then it’s the most hated word in history. Paradoxical, I know.
Drop on the by the Nail TONIGHT and tell em your ole pal sentcha. I’ll be glad ya did!
Can confirm, the bar was great and the fried pickles were even greater! The goblins were a little sus but that’s kinda to be expected…
Awww, you know you love us, Rowyne! Nuttin wrong with a bit of sus on the fried pickles, eh?
Thanks for joining in on the mayhem. We’re determined to plaster the walls with pineapple wallpaper!
I put that sus on everything…
Post updated for our December 7th opening!
Greetings! The Blackwater Company is happy to announce a Neutral RP event upon the Isle of Blackwake at the Rusty Nail Tavern on December the 7th! We are enjoying the energy and the RP an event like this brings to get people out of the city and into cross faction RP!
WHO: Anyone on Moon Guard Alliance or Horde! This is a neutral event!
WHAT: A tavern night with business opportunities, drinks, and music!
WHEN: December 7th 7-9pm RT
WHERE: The Isle of Blackwake (OOC Proxy Rustberg Village, Tol Barad)
Tavern hours are 7pm RT to 9pm RT, please contact myself, PersefanĂ, or Alonar if you have any questions!
The special is going to be Spicy Tauren Kicker Chicken, Mac and Cheese, with a free drink of choice for 75 silver coins. (Think buffalo wings)
Must be big wings, them buffalo’s heavy suckers.
Bump to let you know the event it tonight! Look forward to seeing you all there! ALL OF YOU!
Hey, hey! It’s your ole pal Eddy P. sayin Flashbang will be gracing this fabulous tavern with their presence once again. And knowing there’s Tauren wings ta boot?
You bettah believe we’ll be there! And you should, too. Last week, the Gob table was the best. Fun, laughter, drink, contracts sold. This week’ll be better than ever.
And when you DO arrive, be sure to say hi to your ole pal Eddy. I’ll be glad ja did.
Rumor has it Persefani is bringing in a guest artist to aurally assault entertain the patrons tonight. I might just have to stop by to see who…
Hey everyone! We’ve been having a lot of fun so we’re opening for the 14th again! Seems even with the holiday season upon us, people crave the RP!
We have also created a Discord for our patrons to talk in! Hopefully this helps to encourage more cross faction RP. See you all tonight!