Cross-Faction Guilds and Moonguard

Hello. I haven’t touched WoW since Dragonflight’s release. As such, things like the addition of cross-faction guilds and the like are relatively new to me. I’m interested in potentially resubbing and with RP being a big interest-- this particular feature definitely drew my interest. Are there any larger cross-faction guilds with this new addition? I’d like to RP one of my horde characters, but I prefer the level of activity found Alliance side. I was hoping that in such I might be able to find a good, active cross-faction guild that RPs in a neutral area that might facillitate that. Does anyone know of one?


I’ve felt similarly (Vulpera for the win). I’m not the head of a guild or even an officer or anything here, but I felt like I could get a good amount of it with the Fallen Blades Company. They’re a good Alliance faction-neutral group with stable RP week-to-week, and I’m usually about somewhere doing general RP too as I have the time. There are also neutral events here and there too, although these seem a bit less common to have to find.

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Define larger?

The Blackwater Company is a cross-faction guild. We technically were before it was a thing having both a Horde and Alliance side to the guild. We used a single discord and community to communicate until we could merge into one, keeping the old guild for OOC alts or alts collecting dust. 95% of our events are cross-faction friendly. The only ones not being are the respective recruiting fairs, as we do not try to ‘sneak in’ the opposite faction into capital cities. We are a capped guild, so inactive get removed after a certain period to keep our activity level up, we will never be huge, but we can be busy.

We also run a Tavern, The Rusty Nail, on Tuesday that has been cross-faction for years and host other events out of Discord community as well that are cross-faction.

All that to say, we are shipping/trading/merc group (pirates) and so we don’t work for everyone as a guild but we may for other kinds of events through the tavern.

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Well, I suppose large in my mind is around 20ish active members-- but I reckon that means nothing if they’re active during times I’m not. I unfortunately am active 7pm~6AM EST due to my work schedule and so I’m mostly looking for something that has a handful of people active during those hours to interact with!

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