Multiple guild functions BROKEN - no Blizzard response in over a week

I’ve been annoyed since last Tuesday patch at a number of different guild functions being broken. Looking through the forums, I see multiple listings of the different bugs and issues being encountered, but oddly no official replies whatsoever to any of it. Here’s a list if you need help tracking all of them:

  1. Guild/Community members not showing online in the guild communities tab. This issue is rampant. You literally have no way of knowing who is online unless you have them on BNET or are in an active voice chat with guild members. This can lead to an illusion of a guild dying, when there are still plenty of active members online - but you can’t see them because the guild & communities tab is simply NOT WORKING.

  2. Guild bank not working - people are unable at times to access the guild bank, it has nothing to do with permissions - I am the guild leader and I was given an in game message telling me that “YOU ARE NOT IN A GUILD”. Additionally, during our raid the other night, we dropped a guild bank to grab some consumables and no one in the raid group was able to open it.

  3. Guild repairs button not working. Again, nothing to do with permissions or guild settings, the function is broken. May work randomly for a short period of time, but it has been inconsistent.

  4. EDIT TO ADD - a number of people have reported issues with Guild Achievements

These are the 4 most common issues I’ve seen to date, I’m willing to bet others exist that I haven’t come across yet. I would go further and hazard a guess that this either stems from:

A. New group finder function had some bleed over effect that goofed up guilds and communities.
B. Pre-release data for cross realm guilds generated these guild function bugs.

If we could get an official response and some kind of update as to an ETA for these issues being resolved that would be great.



Having all of these issues on all my characters right now. I’m able to get into the guild bank on a few and can move items around, but can’t withdraw items or withdraw/deposit gold

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Guild achievements (not sure if this one is related, but potentially)

Guild charter bug2 (again, not sure if this is related as well or not, but posting regardless)


You can also add in Guild achievements not working. Several have mentioned Staying Classy and others not registering when they should. I’m working on SC and can attest to that one myself.

I would agree that the lack of official statement is the troubling part. The last official post I can see on the tracker was from May 1st. It would do good to at least put something out. I know they acknowledged the lvl 70 portal issue (somewhat unofficially on twitter), but aside from some individual responses people have posted, they haven’t said much of anything. Just a “here are the known issues and what we know about ETR”. Even that much would let people know hopefully it’s being looked at and what is and is not a bug.


Blizz seems to have broken just about everything with their new patch release and has failed to say anything.


Correction - just about everything that wasn’t already brokenfor guilds … it has been blatantly obvious for a long while now that guilds are not a priority - indeed not even high up on their list of things to fix. Some guild stuff has been broken for YEARS but they refuse to do anything about them. Any time they touch anything to do with guilds, it’s usually to make it worse.

It feels like Blizzard no longer has anyone who advocates for the standard guild or the abilty to run them.


We will find out either when they suddenly start working correctly or are mentioned in a hotfix note. Other than the Level 70 bug being mentioned on Twitter, they have said nothing.

It shouldn’t surprise me anymore. This sort of thing has become the norm.


Perhaps Blizzard messed guild features up in the (failed) attempt to allow guild joining for Mop Remix characters in the upcoming event.

Maybe they should roll that back. In retail our guilds are very important, in Mop Remix we can also live with Communities for now, and join the new Remix characters to guilds when the event ends.


Another issue with the guild banks is; when someone makes a deposit or withdrawal, I can not see the transaction. That is when I can access the gbank. It shows what happened over 2 months ago but nothing recent.

I also can not see who is online. Sometimes only a few people show up but when I do /who Unbound I see triple the amount. This makes it hard for group activities or if someone is looking for a guild. I don’t want my guild to look dead.

The fact that guildies can’t access or use repair is also a terrible burden on them. Especially if they made gold deposits to help out.

I am the GM for my guild. Please fix this nonsense.


To add as a side note: Using an addon – such as ClassicUI – to access the original guild roster UI won’t solve the display problem.  Blizzard broke something at the foundational level.

We need a roll back of all changes made to Dragon Isles that effect guilds and leveling

Please return the game to the way it was and repair changes before making them.

thank you

No one who’s reading this would be able to do that, or to forward your idea to anyone who would. Which is probably “no one”, since I don’t think the development team leadership will accept the idea of going back on a release. They hit their release date, regardless of consequences, and fix stuff after the fact, because shareholders care about release schedues.

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More threads popping up and continue to regarding all of the aforementioned guild related bugs. Anything from a Blue? Bueller? Is this thing on, can you hear me now?

I am having many of the same problems, especially #2 and #3. Please fix. Our guildies need repairs for raiding!

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Yet another post reporting issues with Guild Achievements not tracking: New guild. but no achievements are being tracked


Same here, since the patch on the 7th of May I can never tell who is online or offline. Multiple characters of the same person will appear online at the same time. Has there been a blizzard post on this?

It’s called “Poor Customer Service.”

A major UI function of the game is broken, and not a single word from Blizzard.

I think this might be fixed now? I mean … it would have been nice to have a GM actually SAY something, but I’ve logged in this evening (on EU) and it seems to be back to normally broken rather than the more recent excessively broken.

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Can confirm that Guild Achievements still not working. Just dinged 70 on one of my last Panda alts for Stay Classy, and it didn’t count it.

edit: Annoyingly it shows it under Guild News and the alt’s personal Achievements, but doesn’t give me credit for it under Guild Achievements.


Guild functions worked well and consistently last night for me for several hours straight, in what should have been prime time for when these issues normally pop up.

Hard to say if it’s fully fixed, but things are looking up for the first time since 10.2.7 hit.