Can we get an answer in blue for the guild bank issue?

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That thread is already there in the bug report forum. That’s the place for it. Making a new thread here with nothing but a link to it is just spam.

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lol @ Magnarok “spam”

Blizz is known for not acknowledging or fixing long standing bugs: Granular guild permissions 6 years ago (granted they acknowledged this one even ion, just never actually fixed it), Portal to the great seal from Orgrimmar 2 years ago, Garrison monuments 2 years ago. Blizz knows about them. They refuse to fix them, or to acknowledge the many posts about it.
So you’ll have to forgive people for thinking the worst when you get a new set of bugs involving DF portal not working for lv 60-69 anymore or more guild settings issues this time with the bank and such.