Guild Bank causing MAJOR PROBLEMS

I now have two charathers having issues after trying to interact with my guild bank!!
After tring to interact with guild bank nothing wants to work anymore, can’t mount, can’t hearth, can’t log out, can’t do anything, expect move around but interact with anything!!
I`ve tried disabling all addons! Doesn’t do a thing! I have to force it to close, after I sign out with the launcher, but can’t get in on the charathers that got glitched for awhile after forcing the closure!! Or if I just wait 10 to 15 minutes it will disconnect that charather that is having the problem!
Hope this MAJOR ISSUE is resolved soon!!!

Ok!! It’s now going on the 4th day of this problem!!
I thought I had a workaround for this guild bank issue! It works, for awhile! I can interact with my guild bank when first log on and visit the guild bank to get whatever I need to start playing! But after playing for a while and come back to the guild bank, It Won’t open!!! Saying “Your not in a Guild!” Come on people, at Blizzard, give us a clue as to what is going on here!!! Is the guild bank timing out, after first time use?? Is there some sort of fix that can be done on my end?? Like a file in one of the game’s folders?? What??
Come on! Tell us something!!! My guild, is my guild! All my account characters are in It! No others are! It is for my account characters, only! It is a Major part of my game play!!
Having to completely log out, and come back in, to get the guild bank working again, is not ideal, but that, right now is the only way, to get it to function the way it is suppose to!!
I not here complaining just to be complaining! Some are? Sorry! But some are!! :frowning:
I’d just like to know if there is something I can do on my end that would be of use, getting my game working as it should!! That’s all!!!
OK, that’s pretty much it for now! :slight_smile:

Welp! Still not a word from Blizzard about this GUILD BANK Issue??? I see that in some post, that it kinda works but only for a little while!!?? Same here!! And having to click-drag from guild bank to bags, isn’t ideal, it’ll have to do!! For NOW!
I’m also seeing post of total flat___lining of their game!! As in, when trying to use their guild bank, and THE BUG hits, then not able to interact with anything within the game!! Resulting in forced shut downs of their game!! Most likely their first log in since Tuesday’s maintaince??
BLizzard! Please! Something is better then nothing! Was this problem from an internal or external cause??!! And you know what I’m refering to!!!


This is happening to me as well. It seems to only happen when trying to deposit a Tier 1 Potion of Gusts by right clicking on it. It’ll fail to deposit and then I experience the same thing you do. This is with all add-ons disabled.


See: Guild Bank not transferring items - #50 by Tashme-medivh

Every time I try and use a bank or even mobile guild bank my toon is unusable. A game restart gets me a msg that there is already a char with that name, preventing a relog. reload with all addon’s disabled does not improve. I was trying to load food materials into the bank across 2 different toons.


I am also having this issue, as is on of my guild members - we cannot put anything in the guild bank and if we try to, we have to completely shut down the computer to get access to our character back. Hopefully this gets fixed soon… :frowning:


I am having the same issue.

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Same issue. Attempting to interact with the guild bank gives message “you are not in a guild.” I am, in fact, in a guild.


Same issue, what is going on?? I need access to my gbank items. Says “You are not in a guild”.

Happening to me as well, but only when I try and deposit Arcane Tomes.

Having the same issue. I’ve deleted all addons, not just disabled them, and deleted my WTF file after that, and still the game is hosed. If I reboot and start fresh I can get the bank to open once, but it doesn’t respond to moving things into it. Can’t mount, can’t interact with other NPC’s that should be able to interact with. Clicking on spells doesn’t respond. Heck, it doesn’t even let me log out the normal way. Blizz… what did you do???

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It is basically all characters. Blizzard as of writing this I honest hope they are working on a permanent fix since Guild banks are a very frequently used part of the game and them being in this state is unacceptable. I was shocked to not see maintenance last night seeing as they do that literally every patch release.

So This Issue is is with Blizzard to do with the new “Throttling” they implemented to addons I cannot say for certain. But as a preventative measure I am just mailing stuff to my toon who would other wise take that stuff from my bank anyway and put it there until thilzzard pull there ideas together hopefully by the end of this week since this is a majoa game ruining problem that they are yet to address. If they have done so then I have not nooked hard enogh.

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Fixed it.

Exit game completely, open the file that hold the game. Rename the WTF, Cache, and Interface files to WTFOLD, CacheOLD, and InterfaceOLD. If you have done this in the past, as
I have, rename the files to WTFOLD2, CacheOLD2, and InterfaceOLD2.

It took me a bit to discover the problems as they appeared in the past, I’ve been playing for
18 years and this works for me and hopefully for you.

I’m having similar issues

Thank you for this! It fixed the issue of everything else breaking. Unfortunately it doesn’t fix the issue with being able to deposit or withdraw items from the Guild Bank. That would have been too easy.

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I can’t even open the guild bank since the patch.

So, someone found that if you turn on Bagnon’s Guild Bank, you CAN access everything without issues.

Give it a try. Might work until they fix this issue.

I have that on, not working for me. Some characters get locked when I click on gbank, and some it says you are not in a guild.

I’m guild master and I can’t withdraw from guild bank. I can if i drag the item to my inventory but this is annoyingly slow. Problem started yesterday 4/9/24.

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Yes I am having an issues also . I cannot withdraw items even on guild leader. Trying to deposit on an alt and it locked the alt in the game where I couldnt log out. I turned off computer relogged and then got message “character with that name already in game”.

The Dragging is working for me too Thanks I am going to have to do this until Blizzard gets off their backsides and fix this