New guild. but no achievements are being tracked

I have recently decided to come back to WoW to prepare for the war within. It was decided among my friend group to make a guild. We ended up making a new guild. When I made my tabard I noticed I didn’t get the achievement “everyone needs a logo” and thought maybe I needed to make a new logo because it was after the guild was made that we would get the achievement.

So I decided to not worry about it at the time and go play with friends (who at this point also are in the guild)
We are doing dragonflight content and looting monsters and doing dungeons and I’m starting to notice we are getting none of these achievements as well.

I put in a ticket and have been told its a UI issue and that I may need to change the UI, however, everyone in the guild group is having the same issue. I have attempted to fix my UI but I have still have nothing. No achievements count toward my guild at all and none of the progress we are making from crafting or looting gold is counting either.

I am still getting achievements for my solo efforts though, so I am not sure why I would be able to see those achievements and not the guild achievements if it is indeed a UI issue.

Looks like guild achievements are not being tracked since last week. I’m working on Staying Classy with my personal guild and have around 30 levels to go to hit it, but I noticed it didn’t credit me SC trolls and any capped pandas. Other people have had similar issues with SC or other guild achievements.

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same thing here, new guild. I was curious why we was not get anything, i even made a guild crest and did not get that either.

Yep same, no achievements being tracked anymore.

Same here. Leveled 2 characters to 70 and didnt get credit for the classy achievement. The first one was a remix character and thought that was the problem. The second was a normal character and didnt get credit for that one either.