Guild communities broken

When looking at the Guild & Communities tab in game, it doesn’t show the correct number of people online. Everyone in the guild seems to have this problem, although it’s different for everyone. Some people see 20 online, some see 10, some see 2. I’ll see someone log on, then log off and switch characters and then see both their characters showing online. The locations of players is frozen and not updating correctly either.

It’s been this way for my entire guild since 10.2.7 launched Tuesday, I’m surprised I don’t see other threads about this already. Is this only happening to my guild?

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Same here. No change since Tuesday and I am GM of my guild. I am having the exact same issues as you, as well as it says “You are not in a guild” when checking th eguild bank. And when trying to do guild repairs, it says guild internal error. This has been happening for all of my guildies as well. Will this be fixed at Tuesday’s reset? Or during MoP remix?

Same here. It’s a widespread issue.

Not sure where all the threads are, but the patch in general has a handful of bugs (new group finder broken, with no response from Blizz).

It doesn’t look like Blizzard really care, tbh.

I’ve seen a bunch of threads about the guild bank errors, but I assumed those were different/unrelated to communities. Maybe not? But if they are, it’s pretty ridiculous there’s no fix or even blue post about these issues all week.