Missing Fel Drake Twitch Drop

Soooooo Here is where I need to post about how I haven’t received the Feldrake. I’m not sure if this will work either but I have now reported it. Also haven’t received the pet from gifting subs. Now if I can get some random players to comment how we shouldn’t complain and to give Blizzard time. That would make this a complete experience. Que Rufflebottoms


I’m also in the group of “watched the 4 hours, claim was successful on the Twitch end but not the WoW end”. I was able to claim and receive my kite pet. I’ve tried the re-link my twitch account a few times, but that hasn’t worked yet. When I contacted support, I got a generic “check the forums, here’s the link for FAQs, have you read the Twitch drop troubleshooting page yet” answer. I hope they really are working on it and don’t forget about us or sweep us aside.


Adding myself to the list of players who have still not received the mount. I clamed it 10 days ago and have confirmed my accounts are connected as required.

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same, no feldrake despite correctly claiming it (account was still linked from when i did get the dragon kite). if i need to send in a screenshot or other “proof” let me know; regardless i’m extremely disappointed with how blizz has handled this issue.


If people want to add a “me too”, it’s probably best to do it over in the CS thread.

Someone also linked an update from Twitter, which is handy for people who don’t use Twitter (or don’t think to look there for CS updates)

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It’s been 11 days. Still no mount

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I now demand a spectral tiger to compensate for this inconvenience

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Going on day 11 since I claimed the Feldrake and nothing still.

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10 Days. No Mount Yet, Accounts are Connected and Claimed on Twitch. I received the Dragon Kite no problem, and even got the Pet for gifting 2 Subs in my account RIGHT AWAY… I even unlinked and relinked the Blizzard account that was suggested , and still nothing. What is being done about this ???


9 days here, got the same replies from blizz as you guys.

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Nine days here. I had absolutely no problem in attaining the Dragon Kite drop previously whatsoever between Twitch and Blizzard, but apparently despite spending the time to unlock the Feldrake amount on Twitch, apparently somewhere between Twitch and Blizzard there-in lies my current problem.

What makes this even more interesting, is that I check my mount collection in-game, searching for the Feldrake pulls up NOTHING.


I watched and claimed the very first night - the night of the new expanc opening and the world servers going up and down. I feel like my mount may have been claimed at the same time the servers were going down. Everything was done correctly; i got the kite previously with no problem and just today got my mount for the pre-purchase of Diablo IV with no issue. This is obviously not a one-off problem but widespread and deserves attention and correction. C’mon Blizz, step up to the plate!


So, they updated us just now and said they’re still investigating and there are no more updates on it.

All Blizzard says is that they’re investigating and there is no ETA on a fix.

It’s been 11 days, I’m losing patience.

I’d like a crystal clear reply on whether they intend to fix this bug in the future or not. Just saying they’re investigating and implying they will fix it by saying no ETA on a fix isn’t enough in my opinion.

I’m very disappointed.


I am dissapointed too , I am watching to get the new drops and funnily enough I got the new pet instantly no issues , Would love to know when they are going to fix this fel drake issue and fulfill their obligtion


You’ve already had it.

For some reason, you seem to want it tattooed across Koticks forehead.

They will provide more information when they have it.

They can’t give you something they don’t have.

(and as for your comment in the other thread which is now locked, other people can’t see your personal edits)

The way they worded it is vague and ambiguous. It doesn’t state for a fact that they are or will work on a fix.
It just says that they are looking at reports, and there’s no estimated time for a fix.

If you disagree with that, that’s fine, but share it with others, or keep it to yourself. I know where you stand, you don’t need to keep replying to me. Do you really wanna keep having this discussion? With me?

Who says that’s what I want? Who says I don’t know that?

Does that change the fact I’d like a clearer response? No.

Does your input on my takes add anything to this discussion?

Also no.

We already got a thread locked because you can’t stop replying to me.

Feel free to help others and reply to them but I invite you, again, to keep your thoughts to yourself when it comes to me. They’re not welcome. And I’ll do so as well.


I’ve posted a few days ago telling that I did not get the pet and Feldrake. Today after watching 4 hours of stream and claiming the “Cenarion Hatchling Pet”, I got it in game within 10min, and I still don’t have the mount or the first pet. Whatever the issue maybe, it does not seem to be related to the connection between accounts, twitch and battle.net, it may be a system communication between the two companies where the integration failed, and our claims were not received by blizzard systems. (This is a guess based on my opinion).

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So I’ve seen reports of exactly this happening. They got the new pet from the current drop but it didn’t trigger the drake sadly.

However I also did see some people that claimed the new pet today and mysteriously say they didn’t receive it this time, despite having received the feldrake and the past pets.

Let’s keep an eye out and see if everyone will receive these new drops or if there are gonna be a bunch of people that don’t receive them at all.

Twitch drops seem quite buggy when it comes to Blizzard for now.

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I also still have not received my Feldrake after claiming it 11 days ago. I got the kite just fine. I can see that I claimed the feldrake mount on twitch.

It’s very disappointing that we are being told to just wait around for them to look into it. So many threads all about the same issue. It’s not like we are lying, there are so many of us that didn’t get the mount. I don’t know why they can’t say what steps they are taking to make this right and fix the issue.

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I agree completely. People come in saying it’s worthless to post here, say us posting won’t change anything, say that in their opinion Blizzard’s response is fine.

I beg to differ. They’re a multi billion dollar company built with the customer’s money. They have the tools they need to tackle any issue. If their replies are not clear to me, I’m entitled to bring it up and ask for a better one.

If they make a promise to me, don’t deliver, only acknowledge the problem later on random forum posts or on Twitter that I don’t even use while responding in a short and vague way, I’m not just gonna sit quiet if I feel like I’m being left out to dry.

And if you guys feel this way, I don’t think you should let others tell you what to do and if you feel harmed by this or dislike the way the CS responds, by all means, let your voices be heard and ignore whoever tells you to stay quiet and wait.

You guys pay for this game. You are entitled to voice your feedback on how you feel about it.