Lots of GDKP Ninjas Now


I farmed 6k gold in tbc and started doing gdkps. I only spend what I make. Gold inflation would happen with or without rmt.

Rmt just increases the rate of inflation because of the amount of bots, the gold numbers would be lower without rmt, but the value would be the same.

“Money laundering is the process of illegally concealing the origin of money, obtained from illicit activities.”

This is not what is happening in gdkps. Common knowledge shows that gold laundering is done in guild banks and alternate/burner accounts, not gdkps.

If you dont want to do GDKP’s, dont. That is the end of. Otherwise this is just another classic andy melting down because people are not playing the game how you think they should.

Oh and before you lie about them being mandatory I have done zero gdkp’s this expansion and cleared all content when I was playing. Also have two alts that have cleared all content.


I love gdkps because they enable me do more of what I enjoy in wow, raid.

I raid with my guild raid once a week, and then I do raids on my 4 alts in gdkps.

I have two alts who are almost as geared as my guild main, and I have exclusively used them in gdkps, and only bought gear on them with gold that I acquired in the gdkp themselves. Yes, I lose out to people who have more gold, or are willing to spend more gold than I do, but eventually I get my item for my price.

My other 2 alts are not really that geared, but I can get them in some TOC 25 man normals pretty easily.

The main draw of gdkp, vs a ms/os is that I can take my progress from gdkps with me into another raid.

Proof? Because I’ve neither seen nor even heard of this on Bene… and I think I would have.

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GDKPs are not mandatory, but finding MS>OS is nearly impossible because of it.
So yes, if you’re a new player w/o gold, good luck finding a normal MS>OS/SR raid.

So, a casual andy from Nebraska who just joined is a more likely to RMT that gold to kick off initial raiding.

If no1 buys gold, as ya’ll claim, then why do we have so many bots?

Yall should come to Bene. I end up in ms/os on accident all the time

No issues finding MS>OS on pagle.

What in gods name are you babbling about? Like why do you guys have to lie about finding groups all the time to try and stop people from playing classic in a way you dont like?

They think ms/os will happen more. In reality people will just stop playing their alts or simply make more in guild runs. Or just quit playing altogether.

Interesting fact. When you report the scammers to Blizz, Blizz uses the justification of GDKPs being a “boosting service” to not refund the gold lost…yet Blizz also says boosting is reportable and bannable…so by Blizzard’s own logic, GDKPs are against ToS, since their own customer support defines it as a boosting service.

Aren’t you in one of the most notorious gold selling GDKP guilds on Whitemane? Makes sense seeing you hop into every thread that criticizes GDKPs.

I have never seen them use “boosting service” when referring to gdkps.

It is just longstanding blizzard policy to not refund your gold if you are scammed. Be it through trade chat, raids or whatever.

You never get your gold back, but the person who took it may be punished.

Thats why you gotta vette these groups prior. Go to realm discords and such

with some using open channel blindly the eve scammer observer part of me wonders how successful doubling would go here.

Doubling scam…if you give me gold up to this amount, I will double it.

with, ofc, 1 or 2 other accounts saying “dude, I tried this and they actually pay”. These accounts are not alt accounts. Nope…not at all.

Always wondered who’d bite that line. Guess I know its possible now.

This is from an email from Blizz support regarding reports on GDKP scammers:
" Thank you for the report. While we cannot share the details of what will be done to the other person know that justice will be served.

As for returning your gold, I’m sorry to say that since boosting services are not supported by Blizzard they are an “At your own risk” policy as such we will not be able to return any lost gold."

Their own customer support specifically calls GDKPs a “boosting service” and uses that as justification to do as little work as possible against scammers.

Seems more like the guy just dug for the closest copypasta response in order to tell you “no”.

Still, interesting to see that some of them may consider it boosting.

Ban buyers? They promote buying gold lol. They aren’t going to ban a thing. And saying “you can’t buy what you want with your gold” goes directly against the trading system THEY created. You cannot enforce it. It would be impossible to enforce.

They’re plenty fair. You not liking them has nothing to do with being “fair”. They pay tons of gold to get theirs and I get my loot for free. If anything my way is unfair lol.

good. that’s the risk you take

it is boosting, except maybe we first couple weeks

the roles are literally called carry and buyer

In vanilla and tbc yes. And to a lesser extent, Naxx level 80.

In wotlk gdkps doing hardmodes, there is no such thing. Everyone is there to bid on and buy something, unless you have full bis which you definitely payed a lot for already.

da gdkp ninjas r becoming very popular.

see dis thread How much ban for GDKP pot steal? .

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar .

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

dis one gold farming operation had 45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold. imagine how much has been sold in wotlk.

540,000 usd real life money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic n promote pay to win culture. too much gold in da game from bots.

think about all da other gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example. now u have wow token blizzard gold farming operation.

dis is a lot of real life money being earned.

haha. so funny.

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