Boogienight is retarded

If you are here because boogienight linked this thread, congrats you fell for his trap. His opinions are meaningless and he takes everything he can out of context in order to push his agenda.

On top of that he types like an illiterate imbecile.





No…maybe in 4-5 months.


Why? So they can nerf ToC 8 weeks after it’s release when players can’t clear that hardmode either?


Yes, that’s the content cycle.

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if a guild can only clear regular mode now, then they’re probably going to stick to regular mode ToC too. They don’t need free handout 252 gear to do that.


This is easily the best progression from any tier I’ve seen since tbc launched

Don’t ruin it


Very fitting guild name.

Likewise, ty.

Ulduar is sorta perfect in terms of raw progression… Yes the hard modes are difficult. But the game has MANY great players that need to have something to progress. Normal mode has great loot also. Nothing outside of Hardmode Ulduar needs Hardmode gear. So once you get a few hard modes done that are more doable (Thorim-FL) then stuff like XT and Mimeron also becomes easier.


I’ve never felt more rewarded and accomplished from WoW classic than downing these hard modes.

Coming into a raid week and downing a new one that we didn’t have previously which allowed us to get better gear to progress on the others.

If you can’t down hard modes you need to either 1) have a look at yourself and your performance. You should be asking yourself “am I a reason we aren’t downing this?” 2) look at your guild, maybe your raid team just doesn’t have good enough players to down it. So you should find a new guild. Tons are recruiting. 3) be satisfied that you can do the normal modes. Not everyone is gonna clear this content. It’s been that way since p2 TBC with SSC and Tk. You’ll be fine.


In line with p2 tbc, which was nerfed midway through. We are probably going to see the same with Ulduar.

I think its funny that people don’t realize 8weeks is basically the midpoint. If Ulduar goes on longer than 5 months people are going to quit in droves. It’s like 7 people that get carried that are complaining about the unlikely leak that came out. Most people would be for them being put back to thier final state so we can have time to do other things.

Yep, time for the nerfs so we can start gearing up our alts.


Gonna be real real sad for you when they nerf mid April lol. I mean youre lvl 34. Not like you raid anyways.

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p2 wasn’t nerf until a month before BT released.

We are at like 7-8 of ATLEAST a 16 week phase probably longer as they’ve said they want this phase to be longer than normal.

We shouldn’t expect needs until ToC comes out.

They didn’t nerf Sunwell until prepatch.

There is no reason to nerf Ulduar especially this early.


Every week we get more stuff down. It feels great.


Enjoy it while it lasts

It’s literally one of if not the best raid ever made by this company

The people that had love for the game players and lore made it.

Those people are now gone.

Shortsighted noobs don’t understand what it’s like to accomplish something meaningful and will beg for nerfs.

Impossible to recreate something like this when your company is focused on shareholders


Wasn’t the whole point of increasing Ulduars ilvl is that so it would be near the same as ToGC?


Yes, so that people would feel more inclined to run Ulduar during togc.