Lots of GDKP Ninjas Now

Ever since the WoW token was added alongside name change services there has been a severe uptick on ninjad GDKP pots. RL runs off with $400 worth of gold and buys a $7 name change(when it is on sale, $10 regular) and they are free to do it all over again.

Blizz: “We want to preserve server communities”

Also Blizz: “We are offering services cheaply that remove all server community accountability for malicious players, while also providing financial incentives for people to make gold in game”


This is the risk you take with GDKP. If no one cares about normal ninjas, then GDKP do not deserve special treatment.


Turn Classic into a p2w game with financial incentives for gold sellers

Offer cheap services to avoid accountability

Tell players you want to preserve server communities

Forum Clowns: “It’s all player’s fault. Certainly not Blizzard’s” :clown_face:

At this point it makes no sense to run legit GDKPs. Just do a quick N mode ToC, ninja the pot, and then name change for an extremely small fraction of the pot’s gold value.

Great game design


Stop buying gold and it’s not an issue ?


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but I’ve never heard of it happening and pretty much everyone I know runs GDKPs on their alts and some on their mains. I’m thinking “Lots” might be a bit of a stretch.


Maybe the company that runs the game shouldn’t give approval to types of gameplay that are being abused by scammers, then making it easier for scammers to continue scamming.

Or, we can continue to blame players as if Blizzard isn’t directly creating the problem.


I’ve never seen it happen, but that sounds like a great idea OP. Why don’t you go do it? The closest I’ve seen was my friend joined a raid that was advertised as “10% cut” and it turned out to be 10% for the raid and 90% for the host, which was pretty funny. But that was in a Naxx run after Ulduar had already released.

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You can always report them. Especially if they stated loot rules prior to the raid.

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GDKP ninjas are in fact quite rare not common. Those that happen are the small time ones more often that not.

Almsot no reputable run that will get big ticket players will bother to ninja. Why ninja a 400k pot and ruin your rep only to lose out of your 15-25% cut from all the future weeks. Its like killing the goose that layed the golden egg.

No a name change dose not help as reputable runs don’t care about in game name but your rep on the hosting server. Eg for fair that is staxs. Runs posted on there become recognized as they go longer without doing anything shady. That rep gets them the big ticket players that have the gold you want. Don’t got the rep you wont see pots worth stealing.

If your joining a GDKP from trade the reason you got scammed is you din’t even do basic do diligence. Which blizzard themselves outright warns you to do.

400 dollars worth of gold is a 80k spilt assuming the RL din’t have a posted cut they almost always do. Which if you got the connections to get that kinda pool your not going to tank your rep its not worth it. As those kind of runs are able to get those kind of pools often.

Don’t join trade chat GDKPs

The good ones have pretty transparent discords


That’s the meta way to pay for your sub now. People who’ve been grinding tmog hard in retail for sub money can just make a wrath character get to 4k+ gs and start a GDKP and pay for 2-3 years of sub costs.

Gotta go fast. No time. Never enough quality of life. More. Faster. Gotta make some moves. Gotta smoke some crack. Go, go, go. pull, go. Leveling takes to long. Grouping takes too long. Gearing takes too long. Need to make MORE MOVES. Gotta ninja GDKP pot. Need name change, need face change, need race change, need new 80 FAST. Got banned. Okay okay, fair enough. Do it again, but faster. Pile on one server. Nobody recognizes me. I don’t recognize anyone. Ain’t nobody got time for that anyways. Next, what’s new? Why you still on that 2021 Gucci. I got that 2023 Gucci rightchea. Hey, dawg. You holdin? I got a proposition for you.


I feel like you could report them, and Blizzard would maybe do something about it, but what do I know? :woman_shrugging:

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If you gdkp, you deserve to get stolen from.


No no no, this is not possible. This only happens after cross realm rdf is added. Before rdf cross realm there was no ninja-ing because every one on the server knew who the ninjas were and never grouped with them.


Sounds like a fake story. No one actually gets away with a namechange unless they are changing servers and back in 30 days.

No matter how often someone changes their name, the blacklisted char will forever remain on your friendslist and if you are smart with a note attached to it, ready to warn people on server discords.

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Because you can name change for $7, a fraction of the value of the gold.


No one, literally no one, has claimed this.

Instead of hating why don’t you join a reputable GDKP instead?

Why buy overpriced gold when you can get 15k+ in weekly payouts + AH profits ?

I will take things that arent happening for $800 Alex

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