Lots of GDKP Ninjas Now

I always think it’s funny when people act like banning buyers is the easiest thing in the world. You know you can just buy gold and have it sent to any character you want? I could buy $100 worth of gold, tell them to mail it to your character, and then report you for it.

Nobody at all claims that some ppl buy gold. The comments you are referring to is from ppl defending gdkp. I have never bought gold and am almost always the top bidder when i want to be in a gdkp. Ppl buy gold. Again, i dont think anyone is saying they dont. But gdkp is not all full of goldbuyers. In fact most of the ppl, even the buyers , from my experience, dont even have much gold. If someone pays 200k for something in a gdkp i would definitely be suspicious of them buying gold. Yes ppl have bid that much. But out of all the gdkps i have ran i have NEVER seen anything close to that. Most players drop out when prices are low. They assign thier own amount to items and if it exceeds that amount they just pass and know that they will see it again in another gdkp and will be able to fet it cheaper and they will have the extra gold from the current gdkp.

Ppl buy gold. Not all ppl buy gold. Most ppl that join gdkp do not buy gold.

This is pretty stupid. Are u a 10 year old or something? Ppl that buy gold dont get busted by being reported. I bet almost zero get reported. Blizz can track every transaction. Exceed a specific amount and you will get flagged and investigated.

Even if you did report someone, how do you know that they didnt report the extra gold themselves? What is stopping a player from not taking 100g from thier malbix and reporting it to blizz? Also, who would even think of doing this? YOU. As soon as you report someone and they report that they must have been setup, what do you think will happen the next time you do it and the next guy claims the same thing? Do you think they might start looking into who is reporting?

Of course it’s not.
You go in there week 1 and you make 50,000 gold from the pot. You had 10 gold to your name and never bought gold.
But someone who joined and blew 300k+ has bought gold.
So now, you’re utilizing RMT gold to do your bids.

GDKP launders bot gold.

If GDKPs were NOT a thing, the player who did RMT the gold wouldn’t have had a reason to do so. Nor would anyone else. And if no one has the need to buy 100’s of thousands of gold, then bots would have no reason to be here.

The only reason why bots still exist, is because people buy gold.
The sole purpose people buy gold for - is GDKPs.

Blizzard efforts vs bots has been futile.
They need to perma ban all buyers from day 1. Check everyone’s trade logs and whomver has ever traded over 50-100k gold from another IP address, gets perma ban for illicit transactions.

There are no GDKPs on retail, because everything is either personal loot or cross realm. And gold cannot be traded.

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Utilizing a small percentage of RMT gold to do your bids. Same with anyone who sells stuff on AH, some percentage of that is bought gold. You cannot use this flawed logic to demonize legitimate players.

No they don’t. Illegal gold is laundered through burner accounts and guild banks. It is already “cleaned” before it is spent in a gdkp, or else the people buying the gold would continuously be banned. (They are not being banned, because they clean it beforehand.)

And it’s a worse game as a result. If you enjoy retail so much, please by all means go there.

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Haven’t had any issues with GDKPs personally. Plus at this point people have been making gold since TBC. :man_shrugging:

In your dreams. Why did you stop. You had a good list of fantasy going. You obviously have no damn clue what you are talking about. But since you have used me as an example, so will I. I have only 1 time left a gdkp with more money than i left with. That one time, it was less than 50 gold. What gdkps are you in that 300k is being spent. Lmao. You are nuts. 50 k payouts??? Damn. I definitly want in on that.

I will say it again and if you want to run your mouth you should pay attention so you dont continue to make a fool of yourseld like you already have. You dont know what you think you do about gdkp. You heard some story about one person on a european server paying 100k for glaives back in tbc. And it made you mad cuz u couldnt even see one drop so u felt cheated that someone else got what you couldnt. That guy that got his glaives had nothing to do with you. Didnt affect you one bit, but still you are all butt hurt. But at least you were right, that guy did probably buy the gold. Nobody else had that kind of gold. Why? Because they didnt buy gold. Durrrrr.

Gdkp is the sole purpose of rmt? This is rediculous. More of your imagination. I was there during original vanilla. When gold sellers would spell out the name of thier website with prices in bodies. All over the place. You couldnt. Not see it. Chat channels were none stop spammimg of gold sellers. As soon as you logged on it was less than 15 seconds before you would get spammed with whispers from goldsellers. And you had to get used to it because you could ignore them but there were so many you would get whispered from a different one in a few minutes. You jist learned to ignore the messages. This was ALL of vanilla and into tbc even. There were barely any gdkp at all back then. Most players had never heard of them. But thats why you claim ppl buy gold?

Fast forward 20 years and classic vanilla comes out. Still not many gdkp, yet aftet 1 week players are buying epic mounts and when asked how they admit, from buying gold. Then in classic tbc, fhe same thing. I new guy starts with a boost. Fresh character. Before he is lvl 70 he paid 5k for epic flying. Adk him how and he says he bought the gold. Most ppl buy gold to buy gear from the auction house and to pay for epic riding. Nit to run. gdkp. Again. You dont know what u r talkng about.

You are just a lazy raid logger and cant stand that ppl that actually play the game can make gold easily. I dont need to buy gold and never have. Its for lazy ppl. The only difference between the lazy ppl that biy gold and the lazy ppl lile you is they are not poor like you. They have jobs.

U r not worth anymore typing. You need to stick to subjects you might know a little about. Cuz u ckearly dont know anything about gdkp


Saw you called me a “lazy raidlogger”. My over 7k achieves would beg to differ. And I skipped all vanilla content. So, zero achieves from any of the dungeons/raids from era.

Like who? The top raid guilds? Nice try bud, but I can’t allow you to get away with that. The top guilds ARE the gold sellers, and you are here posting as a confidence man.

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My server has a massive gdkp discord where individuals are able to organize their own runs and build their reputation. Guild are also able to host there as well.

But make up more conspiracy theories, they are more entertaining than reality at least.

Youtube: The Gold Selling Underworld of Classic WoW is Worse Than You Think…


Ever notice how certain GDKPs get more exposure and participation than others? GDKP “individuals” paid the gold seller who owns the discord for higher placement. Nothing more.

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Clickbait video created by a known fearmonger.

I did watch this video before, and it’s entertaining. But that’s all it is.

It’s not journalism, it’s not fact. It’s just one guys unchecked opinions.

Except Blizzard employees actually assisted him in making the video.

All you’re doing is identifying yourself as a gold seller. But then, your guild name is Get Carried, as if we can’t see through that.

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My guild name could be I am the greatest that doesn’t make it so. You are daft af.

Blizzard employees sure have shown that they are completely competent. No way that will be disputed, rofl.

Fact is fact. Blizzard is fully aware of the gold washing and they gave him access to the information he needed to produce a factual video. There’s no dispute.

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Which blizzard employee?

It’s been a while since I watched the video.

Or is just a big “trust me bro, my wife’s boyfriends sister’s cousin has an uncle and his dad works for blizzard and he helped me make this video”

Everyone has an agenda. Mine is to keep gdkps alive and well because I enjoy raiding multiple times per week and not having to rely on rolls. Gdkps let me target the items I want and spend my gold made from my cuts on them.

Without them I would only play one character and raid log with my guild.

He tells you in the video exactly who he spoke to. He’s had a very long relationship with Blizzard and communicates with them regularly…

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Doesn’t change that gdkp raids are some of the most fun and enjoyable content that wow has had in it’s history, at least for a lot of us.

With or without the bad apples selling gold.

I used to report the burner account gbank loophole so many times. But nothing was ever done about it. Now with the wow token, it doesn’t even matter anymore.

But why, and how ??